Hide redirects here. For the skill used to hide from creatures, see Stealth. Hide armor is the strongest of the light armors, providing the best AC at the cost of a minor armor check penalty for specific skill checks.
* AC Bonus: +3
* +4 at item level 16-25
* +5 at item level 26-30
* Check: -1
* Weight: 25 lb.
* Cost: 30 gp.
* Type: Hide
Taking a different approach to leather armor, hide armor uses hardened and cured leather to fashion the animal equivalent of a breastplate. This is then supplemented with normal leather to keep the flexibility in movement.
* AC Bonus: 3
* Maximum dexterity bonus: 4
* Arcane spell failure: 20%
* Armor check penalty : -3
Hide Armor is a piece of armor made for almost every class and has a armor class two points lower than leather armor, giving better defense, but it weighs a lot more and it will decrease thieving abilities. It lowers pickpocketing, disarm/find traps and lockpicking by 10% and lowers stealth by 20%, making it unfavorable armor for thieves and it will lower stealth for rangers as well. It's added by the Tales of the Sword Coast expansion pack. It also appears in Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition and Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn. In Baldur's Gate II, this armor is for sale at more stores.