| - Amadeus Arkham originally founded the Elizabeth Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane in the memory of his mother, whom he euthanized as treatment for her dementia. That historic facility was built on the grounds of Amadeus Arkham's historic mansion on the outskirts of Gotham City on the seluded Arkham Island. Amadeus personally treated it's first inmate, Martin "Mad Dog" Hawkins, who had killed his wife and daughter. After being claimed sane enough to walk free, Martin was due to be released, until he took a fountain pen from Amadeus' desk and murdered his secretary. At some point, Martin went to the Botanical Gardens on the island and desecrated the statue that was raised by Amadeus in the memory of his family. Those many tragedies pushed Amadeus over the edge, during a session of electroshock therapy, he murdered him. Amadeus was later ruled insane and was incarcerated in his own asylum, where he later died. Amadeus' gravestone was located outside next to the Botanical Gardens. Over the years, the asylum gradually developed with new facilities such as the Penitentiary being established. However, it was eventually closed down however it was reopened when voted the number one psychiatric and rehabiliation facility in the state. However, an infamous reputation remained as more high profile criminals frequently managed to escape it's walls. That developed to become a premium 500 bed psychiatric facility holding a range of individuals who were criminally insane. For facility even offered internships to University Students to help them gain valuable experience for a career. Arkham Asylum's own website, ArkhamCare, was the online public face of the facility that was designed to inform potential patients and family members about the institution.