| - The Pan Ti Line pre-dated the Thong Dynasty by several hundred years. This is not to be confused with the Pan Ti Line, a geographical border, one click North of Poon T'ang, connecting both with the T'Aint Valley, home of the famous Poo Poo Platter. It is not known if the Pan Tis' dwindled and became the Thongs or were moved aside to allow the Fan Nees' through. Actual research by the now famous team of Professor W. Booty is pointing at important climate changes, more specifically global warming. This warming could have provoked intensive moisturizing of the area, something the Pan Tis' probably couldn't cope with.
| - The Pan Ti Line pre-dated the Thong Dynasty by several hundred years. This is not to be confused with the Pan Ti Line, a geographical border, one click North of Poon T'ang, connecting both with the T'Aint Valley, home of the famous Poo Poo Platter. It is not known if the Pan Tis' dwindled and became the Thongs or were moved aside to allow the Fan Nees' through. Actual research by the now famous team of Professor W. Booty is pointing at important climate changes, more specifically global warming. This warming could have provoked intensive moisturizing of the area, something the Pan Tis' probably couldn't cope with. One of the earliest recorded persons living in the area is Ok Suk Whang who wrote an important document that vastly liberalised the sexual attitudes of the Pan Tis. In honour of Ok, the name has been handed down for generations, which explains the fairly recent date on the tombstone showed on this page. Professor Booty is still trying to find older tombstones, and is confident in being able to show some pretty soon too. Not pretty tombstones! Pretty soon, of course... Slow down your reading, puhlease: this is a serious matter. Almost. Some believe the The Pan Ti Line were settlers thrown out from the Goa Tse.