| - I was kneeling before my master. My master was silent and staring through the viewport, at the stars. After awhile he spoke not turning his gaze away from the viewport, "Do not fail me." He had given me a task that would determine our future. I was to board a Galactic Protection Space Union ship and bribe its commander into attacking a Mandalorian vessel, this act would plunge the Galaxy into war. I carried out the plan perfectly. I shrouded myself in the shadows of the command ship and made my way to the Admiral's quaters. "Do you have the money?" asked Liph. "Yes." I replied. I handed Liph the credits, he would not take his eyes off of them. "I shall act tommorrow." he said. "There must be no witnesses." I told him. "I didn't plan on leaving any." said Liph. The fool had no idea that the credits were fake. Chapter Two: Admiral Liph I watched as the cloaked Kel Dor strolled out of my quarters. I began packing my things, I then went to sleep. The morning arrived, I got out of bed, put on my uniform, said goodbye to my secretary and left my room. All of my packed things were aboard my shuttle, so I went to the life support chamber and the engine room of the ship and set the charges. I then made my way to the bridge and ordered my crew to open fire on the Mandalorian blockade. I noticed that some of my crew had their jaws dropped, while others were smiling. I safetly made it back to my shuttle and pulled out of the large command ship, I detonated the charges and watched the fireworks. I had done what I was paid to do, but more importantly I had started a war. Chapter Three: Enrich Tollandi I turned my head towrds the window and watched the rain fall. Another war is just what the galaxy needs, I thought. I had just finished typing my speech when my aide came in. "Chancellor Tollandi, I am here to remind you that you are to give your speech in an hour." "Thanks Rulp." I said as I watched the door slide shut behind him. I stepped to my closet, opened it, grabbed my cloak, put it on, and sighed as I stepped into the rain. My entourage escorted me to my Air Speeder. I slept all the way there. I stepped out of the Speeder and walked up to the podium. I looked up at the large crowd, there were hundreds, perhaps even thousands of spectators. "As most of you know there has not been a war since the destruction of the Sith three hundred years ago. Without the Sith the Galaxy has prospered, however earlier today the Mandalorians fired at a command ship, the command ship was destroyed and only one brave person survived the carnage. I have studied archives for the last five hours and have come to a conclusion, the Galaxy shall always be at war as long as the Mandalorians are around. I have noticed many simularities between the Sith and the Mandalorians, both their cultures are centered around war, they show no mercy, both have caused long wars. I want to end this, in order to do so I will need emergency powers from you, the people of Coruscant Colony. I have nothing more to say other than everyone should lock their doors and arm themselves because we are at war!" I looked around me and saw the crowd around me had different reactions on their faces. some looked angry, others looked said, but no matter how we looked on the outside, we all had one thing in common. We wanted to make the Mandalorians pay for what they had done. Chapter Four: Darth Scandurous I walked into the room and saw my master sitting in the middle of the floor with his legs crossed. "You have done well." I felt relieved to know that my masters plan had yielded the exact results that he wanted. "What shall I do now?" I asked. "You shall build us an army." "I shall be back with children." I replied. My master smiled and replied "You may take the Deviant." Chapter Five: Adazam Vigrem Master Casp was giving another one of his boring speeches. I tried dozing off, but as always I was unable to, so I spent most of the time staring at the all to familiar display case that contained a carbonite encased Lightsaber. I tuned back in, just in time to hear Casp conclude his speech. "...Which is why we shall join in the war." Did he say a War? If so then this is the first war in over three hundred years, but better yet I was going to be a part of it. An idea for a new weapon suddenly popped into my head. Chapter Six: Jarod Casp I had finished looking over a design template for a new weapon that was made by Adazam. "I knew you were great with technology, but I had no idea that someone could come up with designs for something like... this." I said. "Do we have resources to build something like this." I realized that we did. "As a matter of fact we do, I am going to authorize full access to all of the technology to the Technical Comittee."