| - The 2016 United States Presidential Election. Democratic Presidential Nomination The Following ran for President as a Democrat: Lincoln Chafee, Martin O'Malley, Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders were all seeking the democratic nomination. In the early polls, Clinton was leading. Over time, Clinton's poll numbers began to fall, but Clinton still won Iowa by a Margin of 36-29-4-2. Clinton's soon suddenly withdrew, due to facing Criminal charges for her actions of covering up emails involving Benghazi. A influx of Clinton supporters then flow to Chafee and O'Malley. Bernie wins New Hampshire by a large margin, but South Carolina being much closer, but Sanders still wins. Since the Poll Margins between Chafee, O'Malley, and Sanders were so close, it was a major debate who would get the Democ
| - The 2016 United States Presidential Election. Democratic Presidential Nomination The Following ran for President as a Democrat: Lincoln Chafee, Martin O'Malley, Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders were all seeking the democratic nomination. In the early polls, Clinton was leading. Over time, Clinton's poll numbers began to fall, but Clinton still won Iowa by a Margin of 36-29-4-2. Clinton's soon suddenly withdrew, due to facing Criminal charges for her actions of covering up emails involving Benghazi. A influx of Clinton supporters then flow to Chafee and O'Malley. Bernie wins New Hampshire by a large margin, but South Carolina being much closer, but Sanders still wins. Since the Poll Margins between Chafee, O'Malley, and Sanders were so close, it was a major debate who would get the Democratic Nomination. In the end, the Democrats nominate Sanders as their Nominee for President. Bernie Sanders picks Maine Independent Senator Angus King as his Running mate in the quest for the White House. A LOT of Candidates run for President on the Republican side, so I'll just list the notables that were Frontrunners: Trump, Fiorina, Bush, Carson, Rubio, Paul. Trump led the polls early, and wins Iowa for himself. The margin begins to narrow for Trump, with Carson winning New Hampshire and Graham winning South Carolina. As the polls on the Republican side were also very tight, the Republicans had to pick one. They chose Carson. Ben Carson picks Republican Senate Tempore (Utah Senator Orrin Hatch) to be his running Mate. And Bernie Sanders is elected to the White House.