| - 1802(1049) Ioannes Heinlius Lambas of a Grecian ADA better refined the estimated value of the Primum Frigidum to -540 Galerii. Also, ADAs in Syria began revising the ancient tables of chemical elements. The new and expanded format was called the Khemeioa Tabellae. In 1803(1050) the Sinican invention of the printing press arrived in Rome. Books could soon be printed faster and more cheaply than ever before, an increasing number of scholars actually started recording their experiments extensively and these aided in developing text books for Vapasianus’ National School. More and more people were going to school in those days, 65% of citizens could read and with the slave class becoming increasingly equal and easy to work oneself out of, their literacy was estimated about 10%. Levels in Sinica were already higher than Rome's. In 1807(1054) Decimus Murrius Pustula, a Britannic independent inventor was the first to introduce niter powder for guns as a percussion cap. Once the local ADA found out they presented the innovation to the Senate, Pustula was later given a pension. Pilium could now be fired with 100x more certainty of their actually working since the water resistant paper caps could be used in virtually any weather. Also this year, an astronomical spectacle occurred on the fourth day of the month of Julius; a new star appeared in the sky, growing in size and brightness over the course of a month. It then faded out of site by the end of the year. It was first seen as a harbinger of doom to many, as some places went without night for 23 days; riots, general insanity in some places, many were awed by the unexplainable event and a short fad developed with wonderfully creative plays and other art forms. The psychological effects lasted years but eventually everyone calmed down, July 4th became another festival, Caelum Oculus Eruptum as did the 27th, Caelum Oculus Arcanum. In 1809(1056) Novius (born in Dalmatia) was appointed emperor at 51- he had gotten his nomen from his great victories in Terranova. In 1810(1057) Novius launched an invasion of the Thule Minor island in the northern Atlanticus. Viking pirates continuously struck out from the island on Roman merchant fleets and could no longer be allowed. Unlike many emperors in the last few centuries, Novius personally fought in Thule, the campaign was very successful but many Vikings escaped to another, larger Island they occupied further west, being called Thule Maior by the Romans. Thule Minor had extensive fishing to sustain the new province and some iron ores would be found in 1823(1070). The Vikings were persuaded to stop their piracy for a time. With the Atlantean Islands and the north Atlanticus now safe, trade between Europe and Terranova would more than double, going from 21.6 million libra (~30 million pounds) in 1810(1057) to 47.5(~66) in 1850(1097). Also this year, studies and excavations of Britannia Sup.’s Stonehenge began. Image:Empire 1809(1056).png Lions and tigers are now effectively extinct. Large bear species in Terranova and north-eastern Europe are becoming endangered. Again also, ADA astronomers realised that the Julian calender was starting to seriously shift out of syncronisation with March's equinox. After calculations they advised the Senate to prepare for a week to go missing in March, 1870(1117). The Senate felt no urgency in readying the empire for the date change as of yet.