| - Spellpoints (SP) regenerate at outside locations during daytime. The following locations count as "outside":
- Outside is the sixth chapter of volume eleven and the ninety-fourth chapter of the Death Note manga series.
- Outside is a song by Tribe
- Binnenkort opening van Outside, de speciaalzaak waar U terecht kan voor alles wat met outdoor living te maken heeft.
- The Tower resembles a world unto itself; each Floor is a massive, continent-sized culture over which Guardians and Rankers rule. The vast majority of inhabitants are born within the Tower and the vast majority will die there, never knowing another world exists. Yet according to Urek Mazino, the Tower is tiny place compared to the world outside. Little is known about this outside world, even Irregulars who entered the Tower do not know how to escape from the Tower.
- Much like the space between the walls in a house, Outside is the infinite space between the planes of the Arcanus Obliques. Any kind of monstrosity might be waiting there.
- Outside est une chanson interprétée par Staind. Elle est sortie en 2001 sur l'album Break the Cycle.
- "Outside" is a song by Staind from their album Break the Cycle. In "Collision," it is heard in the bar, as Ana Lucia is stalking Jason McCormack.
- Outside, de Staind, é uma música tocada no episódio "Collision", aonde foi ouvida enquanto Ana-Lucia observava Jason McCormack.
- The Outside, or Netherworld, is a place not of our reality. It’s first mentioned at the Duel in Death Masks.
- Another name for the extradimensional plane better known as Hell.
- Indeed there is. What's more, there are many locations on the outside. Venice, Las Vegas and the Sydney Opera House are all outside. ~ <b>Reader</b> Yes. And did you know that many famous people have been outside at some point in their lives? Madonna, Bill Clinton, Gary Glitter and George Michael all went outside. ~ <b>Reader</b> Well, there's also shops that sell biscuits and chocolate. ~ <b>Reader</b> 'Fraid not, dear chap, for I have taken the liberty of cutting your Internet connection. ~ <b>Reader</b> But that'll last you, what, three days? You'll have to go outside then. ~ <b>Reader</b> Sure.
- The Outside is that which lies beyond the World. Most commentators follow Ajencis's so-called Dyadic Theory when characterizing the World and its relation to the Outside. In Meta-Analytics, Ajencis argues that it is the relation between subject and object, desire and reality, that underwrites the structure of existence. The World, he argues, is simply the point of maximal objectivity, the plane where the desires of individual souls are helpless before circumstance (because it is fixed by the desire of the God of Gods). The many regions of the Outside then represent diminishing levels of objectivity, where circumstances yield more and more to desire. This, he claims, is what defines the "spheres of dominance" of Gods and demons. As he writes, "the greater will commmands." The more powerful
- Outside e.V. ist ein gemeinnütziger Verein und anerkannter Träger der freien Jugendhilfe. Gegründet wurde er 2004. Outside e.V. ist eine Einrichtung des öffentlichen Lebens. In der Satzung sind als Ziele die Förderung der Erziehung, der Jugendhilfe und des Sportes festgelegt. Outside e.V. ist unkonfessionell und überparteilich. Outside e.V. führt Sucht- und Gewaltpräventionsprogramme durch und ist als Mobbingberater tätig. Weiterhin werden Veranstaltungen durchgeführt die der Förderung der Sozialkompetenz bei Jugendlichen dienen. Outside e.V. orientiert sich an dem humanistischen Weltbild von Carl Rogers, und bezieht sich aber ebenso auf den systemischen Ansatz. Es fließen Methoden der Erlebnispädagogik nach Kurt Hahn in die Arbeit mit ein. Die Natur bzw. Natursportarten werden als Medium
- The Outside was an area that did not share the same space as the universe. It was accessible by both Jane and the Formic Hive Queens due to their expansive mental capacity; the former used it for instantaneous transportation, while the latter pulled Aiúas from there. It was possible to create anything from the nothingness once Outside if one held the image of it strongly enough in their mind. The Outside was later used for the transportation of the inhabitants of Lusitania to escape to other planets in the hope of saving themselves from the Second Xenocide.
- Outside is a comedy brickfilm by James Morr. It is about a man who gets bored of making a brickfilm and decides to go enjoy the wonderful outside world. Outside was created as a pastiche of the Brickfilms.com forum user "brickman81". brickman81 was a twelve-year-old brickfilmer who joined the site in September 2005 and, by March 2006, had posted a film thread in which he said he was getting bored of brickfilms. This thread turned into an argument, with other members defending the hobby while brickman81 said that being on a forum was a waste of life and that he was getting too old to be interested in LEGO (and repeatedly telling another member to "go suck an egg"). This culminated in the rant: