| - Breen was a minor villain in the 1996 movie adaptation of The Phantom. He was played by Dane Farwell.
- "Nikdy se neobracej zády k Breenům" - tvrzení Romulanů (DS9: "By Inferno's Light") Breenové jsou záhadná, válečnická, samotářská a mocná rasa z Alfa Kvadrantu.
- The breen is a species in Star Wreck series Despite they are quite icy guys between themselves, kind aliens will be given a warm welcome by they: to be more exact, a 6000 °K warm welcome . If you are at your greatest luck and their disruptors miss you, at least for first times, you will be able to identify breens by their elegant, peculiar motorist-dress with those fashionably, boxy helmets, or by they curious speech composed from electronic thrills .
- Breen is a character in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Breen is Hylian who can be found at the Woodland Stable in the Great Hyrule Forest region of Hyrule. This article is a stub. You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- The Breen are a fictional extraterrestrial species in the Star Trek science fiction franchise. They were first mentioned in "The Loss", a fourth season episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation that first aired in 1990. References to them were made in a number of other Next Generation and Star Trek: Voyager stories, but they did not appear until the 1996 fourth season Deep Space Nine episode "Indiscretion". On Deep Space Nine, they played a significant role in the final story arc of that series in 1999, during which much information about them was revealed. The Breen's true appearance remains unrevealed to viewers, as they have never been seen onscreen without their masks.
- thumb|Ein Breen. Die Breen sind ein sehr isoliertes und mächtiges Volk. Über die Breen ist im Grunde genommen nur sehr wenig bekannt, außer den Tatsachen, dass sie sehr kriegerisch eingestellt sind und Kälteanzüge tragen. Über ihre Heimatwelt, Breen, ist nur wenig bekannt.
- The Breen were a reclusive species, native to the Alpha Quadrant.
- Breen was one of the Affytechans taken aboard the Eye of Palpatine in 12 ABY, where he was indoctrinated into believing he was a doctor.
- thumb|Ein Breen. __TOC__ Die Breen sind ein sehr isoliertes und mächtiges Volk. Über die Breen ist im Grunde genommen nur sehr wenig bekannt, außer den Tatsachen, dass ihre Heimatwelt, Breen, vermutlich ein sehr kaltes Klima aufweist und sie mental sehr kriegerisch eingestellt sind.
- Raza Humanoide. Su área de influencia es cercana al Sector 97. Un piloto de esta especie participaba en el año 2370 de la tradicional carrera de naves organizada en la estación Abismo Espacial Tres. Sus naves son orgánicas.
- The Breen were a species native to the planet Breen in the Alpha Quadrant. They were a notable secretive race, often seen as an unknown factor as even their allies were not privy to a great deal of information on the race. During the Dominion War the Breen government, the Breen Confederacy, allied with the Dominion, following the conflict they retreated back into their own space.
- Breen is the collective name taken by all species that reside within the worlds of the Breen Confederacy. They are collectively secretive; as of the 2380s, not even their allies knew much about their species or their homeworlds. During the Dominion War, the Breen Confederacy allied with the Dominion, retreating back into their own space when the war was over. In 2381, they became affiliated with the Typhon Pact. (DS9 episodes: "Strange Bedfellows", "The Changing Face of Evil", "What You Leave Behind", ST novel: A Singular Destiny; ST - Typhon Pact novel: Zero Sum Game)
- Dr. Wallace Breen was the main antagonist in Half-Life 2 and, as all of the other Half-Life 2 characters, has an NPC and Ragdoll form in Garry's Mod.
- Les Breens avaient une taille équivalente à celle des Humains. Ils étaient originaires d'une planète contrairement a la légende serais polaire mais en fait elle est tout a fait tempéré comme la terre. Les espèces douées d'empathie étaient incapables de détecter leurs pensées et sentiments, certainement dû au fait que leur cerveau était composé de 4 lobes. (DS9: "In Purgatory's Shadow" ; TNG: "The Loss")
- The Breen are an extraterrestrial humanoid species native to the ice planet Breen. Their true appearance remains unknown, as they have never been seen onscreen without their refrigeration suits, but the shape of their masks suggests that they have a snout. They are also notable for having no blood or other liquid running inside their bodies. Like the Ferengi, the Breen have a four-lobed brain.
- Breen is an animal native to Narn and is the main ingredient in a ground meat delicacy of the same name. Breen is identical in smell, taste and appearance to Earth Swedish meatballs and Centauri Prime's Roopo balls. Ko'Dan considered the "perfect" breen to be "soggy but meaty" and never crunchy.
- De Breen behoren tot één van de meest onderschatte, mysterieuze, rassen in het Alfa kwadrant. Een oud Romulan gezegde luidt: "Ga nooit met je rug naar een Breen staan", wat al genoeg zegt over hun eigenschappen. (DS9: "By Inferno's Light") Één van de eersten die ondervonden wat het betekende om de Breen te onderschatten waren de Klingons. Tijdens het Tweede rijk stuurde kanselier Mow'ga een vloot oorlogsschepen naar de Breen om ze te overwinnen. Van deze vloot werd nooit meer iets vernomen. (DS9: "Til Death Do Us Part")
- "Never turn your back on a Breen" - A Romulan saying (DS9: „By Inferno's Light”) Breni - to gatunek zamieszkujący lodową planetę Breen. [[Plik:Gor.jpg|thumb|Thot Gor 2375 ]] Są rasą niezwykle tajemniczą, noszą hełmy chroniące ich przed ciepłem. Według źródeł nikt nie wie co się kryje pod skafandrem. Osoby które ujrzały oblicze Breena poniosły natychmiastową śmierć. Ta rasa to wielka tajemnica także dla Federacji, która nie miała żadnych danych na ich temat. Jednak Federacja znalazła sposób na uodpornienie swojej floty na tą broń.
- Kategória:Ételek Kategória:Babylon 5 A Babylon 5 sorozat harmadik évadjában bukkan fel a Breen, amely a Narn nép egyik rituális étele. A 3. sorozat 18. epizódja a Vándorlások címet viseli. A Babylon 5 blokád alatt áll, ennek összes következményével. Soha semmiből nincs elég, a készletek végesek, sok olyan dolog, amely a mindennapokat könnyebbé teszi, hiánycikk. G’kar, a Narn rezsim menedékjogot élvező volt nagykövete a lakosztályában vendégül látja Na’kalt, a Kentauri hódítók elleni szabadságharc hősét. Az alábbi párbeszéd a vacsora feltálalásánál hangzik el: - Nagyon köszönöm G’kar! Olyan régóta menekülünk már, hónapok óta nem ettem friss ételt. - Hát egy hős szebb fogadtatást érdemelne, de csak ennyire futja. - Breen! Sikerült otthonról breent hozatnia? Hogyan? - Ez valójában nem bree