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- See also: List of years in comics
- [[Kategorie:Jahr (. Jahrhundert)|#]] [[Kategorie:| ]]
- The following are known to have been born in : The following passed away in the year :
- (Put in album release dates, concerts and other important events!)
- This year appears to have nothing on it. Please add more to it. with an article: 1975•1976•1977•1978•1979•1980•1981•1982•1983•1984•1985•1986•1987•1988•1989 1990•1991•1992•1993•1994•1995•1996•1997•1998•1999 2000•2001•2002•2003•2004•2005•2006•2007•2008•2009 2010•2011•2012•2013•2014•2015•2016•2017
- Los siguientes eventos ocurrieron durante el año 1998.
- The year is 1988(nineteen hundred and eighty eight).
- This article contains information in Soap Opera events that happened in 1988.
- Una lista de eventos en 1988 relacionadas con Star Wars.
- 1988 (MCMLXXXVIII) was a leap year starting on Friday of the Gregorian calendar.
- Il s'agit de l'année 1988 du calendrier grégorien. Cette année n'est pas palyndromique du tout et n'a aucune signification dans la mythologie wallonne.
- , this was the birth year of Tommy Raymond. In the remastered episode, he was born in 1986.
* Robert Heinlein dies. (Star Trek Encyclopedia (4th ed., vol. 1, p. 332) )
- 'Wraith of Derric's Deep', , , , 'English', 'Box'
- preceding year: 1987 | proceeding year: 1989 In the year 1988:
* Marcos hijacked the Morse X4 with the Black January Liberation Movement over New York, but were foiled by John Probe.
- |-| North America=58 licensed and 3 unlicensed games were released in North America. |-| Europe=21 games were released in Europe.
- 104 new episodes were broadcast in 1988
- 1987 > 1988 > 1989
- 1988 Singles
* Gigantic The Pixies
- 1988 in film:
- 1988 is a year in the 20th century.
- 1988 was a leap year starting on Friday.
- 1988 was a year in the 20th century.
- Wolf Woods National Park begins its wolf pack repopulation project within the park.
- A list of events in 1988 relating to Redwall, Castaways or Brian Jacques.
* Mossflower published in the UK & US. Please see here for current news.
- A list of events in 1988 related to Star Wars.
- A repository of events that occurred in 1988.
- All events that happened in 1988:
- Birth of Daniel Dyson. (The New John Connor Chronicles)
- Consoles introduced this year:
* PC-Engine
- 1988 (MCMLXXXVIII) was a leap year starting on Friday of the Gregorian calendar (dominical letter CB), the 1988th year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 988th year of the 2nd millennium, the 88th year of the 20th century, and the 9th year of the 1980s decade.
- Følgene hendelser skjedde i 1988:
- 1988 is the year in which the first Die Hard film was created. All the events that occurred in the first film took place in 1988.
- In the Year of 1988 :-
- Il 1988 è l'anno che viene dopo il 1987 e prima del 1989.
- Les évènements suivants se déroulent en 1988 :
- Rok 1988 — druga połowa XX wieku.
- Die wichtigsten Ereignisse, die im Jahr 1988 stattgefunden haben:
- Sucesos ocurridos en la saga GTA en 1988.
- 1988 fue un año bisiesto comenzado en viernes en el calendario gregoriano.
- The following events happened in the year 1988:
- The following events occurred in the year 1988:
- The following events took place in 1988.
- The year 1988 AD.
- Title-tintoy.jpg|Tin Toy
- A list of events in 1988 related to Star Wars merchandise.
- Year 1988 was a leap year starting on Friday.
- This article includes events that occurred in the Christian world in 1988.
- In the year 1988:
* May 23 - Actor Curtis Blanck was born.
* December 11 - Actor Vinnie Buffolino was born.
- 1988 (MCMLXXXVIII) fue un año bisiesto comenzado en viernes en el calendario gregoriano. Corresponde a los años 5748-5749 del calendario hebreo y a los años 1409-1410 del calendario musulmán. También es el año del Dragón en el horóscopo chino. En números romanos es el año del siglo XX que está compuesto por más letras (11).
- Events in the year 1988 relating to Pirates of the Caribbean.
- 1988 saw Puffin Books publish six new Fighting Fantasy gamebook titles.
- Events concerning the Grand Theft Auto series in 1988.
- Los siguentes hechos relacionados con la saga The Legend of Zelda tuvieron lugar en el año 1988:
- This article contains information on e-wrestling events that happened in 1988.
- The following Street Fighter-related events took place in 1988:
- 1988 was the ninth year of the 1980s and the eighty-eighth year of the 20th century. In 1985, the year 1988 was visible on Kronos' time belt when he transported himself back to the future.
- 1988 was the year when Barney the dinosaur made his home video debut.
- 1988 - рік по григоріанському календарі, високосний, починається у п’ятницю.
- Joel Hodgson's series Mystery Science Theater 3000 begins its 11 year run on television.
- The following Zelda-related events took place in 1988.
- En el año 1988 se estrena la segunda temporada de cortos, con "Grampa and the Kids".
- The mets went 100-60 went into the playoffs but lost to the NLDS vs The Dodgers
- A list of events in 1988 related to The Hardy Boys.
- Это список событий в серии GTA, произошедших в 1988 году.
- Multiple events relating to the Arthur book and TV series took place in 1988
- 1988 was the year that came after 1987 and before 1989.
- These events occured in 1988 in the world of hockey:
- No show 17 October 1988 (Amnesty International concert from Buenos Aires).
- The following are the baseball events of the year 1988 throughout the world.
- Battleforce 2000 first deployed in 1988 as a testing and research unit assigned in the country of Frusenland. The team would continue to operate together and separately.
- This is a list of various things that took place in 1988.
- Het jaar 1988 is een jaartal in de 20ste eeuw. Het volgt 1987 op, en komt voor 1989.
- Het jaar 1988 is een jaartal in de 20ste eeuw. Het volgt 1987 op, en komt voor 1989.
- I Believe in You Talk Talk Carolyn's Fingers Cocteau Twins Reptile The Church Orange Crush R.E.M. Destroy the Heart The House of Love Christine The House of Love Fisherman's Blues The Waterboys Handle with Care (song) Traveling Wilburys Destination The Church Tugboat Galaxie 500 Nobody's Twisting Your Arm The Wedding Present
- [[Fichier:President_Reagan_and_Soviet_General_Secretary_Gorbachev_shake_hands_after_signing_the_INF_Treaty.jpg|thumb|1er juin : Sommet de Moscou.]]
* 29 mai - 2 juin : sommet Reagan-Gorbatchev à Moscou. Ronald Reagan y célèbre les Droits de l'homme et les libertés. Accords prévoyant le retrait des troupes soviétiques d’Afghanistan et des troupes cubaines d’Angola.
* Novembre : l'ONU crée le Groupe intergouvernemental sur l'évolution du climat (GIEC), chargé de faire une synthèse des études scientifiques sur le réchauffement climatique
* 8 décembre : à la suite du séisme d'Erevan ( 1.
* REDIRECTION morts) en Union soviétique, à l'initiative du président Mitterrand, l'Assemblée générale de l'ONU adopte le principe de l'ingérence humanitaire : « assistance humanitaire aux vict
- Das Jahr 1988 gehört nach irdischer Zeitrechnung zum 20. Jahrhundert.
* Am 8. April 1988 kehren der Achte Doctor und Izzy Sinclair nach Stockbridge zurück, um die 56. Ausgabe des Comics Aggrotron zu besorgen (Izzy's Story)
* Am 4. Mai 1988 begegnet Captain Therése Gavalle erstmals Tko-Ma, der die Begegnung aus ihrem Gedächtnis löscht (Instruments of Darkness).
* Im Juli 1988 wird Bernie Harris geboren (Ghost Machine).
* Am 31. Juli 1988 wird Lucie Miller in Blackpool geboren (Brave New Town).
* Am 23. November 1988 kehrt die Nemesis-Statue nach 350 Jahren wieder auf die Erde zurück. Der Siebte Doctor und Ace verhindern, dass weder die Cybermen, der Nazi De Flores oder die zeitreisende Lady Peinforte die Statue in ihre Hände bekommen (Silver Nemesis).
* Irgendwann im V
- The season ran from April to August. This was the year that the Bristol Renaissance Faire opened, after being known as the King Richard's Faire since 1976. This was the hottest summer in 100 years, with over 70 days reaching a high in excess of 100 degrees. There were seventeen new crafts people. Two entrances were created, both front and back to the Faire (with box-offices). There were beautiful banners heralding the Faire, along Michigan Avenue from the River to Nieman Marcus in Chicago. The entrance to the Faire was adorned with eighteen rampant lions. All (save one) were stolen.
- Genovese crime family member Vincent DiNapoli, then considered by federal authorities to be the tenth most influential U.S. mobster, is convicted on racketeering charges and sentenced to twenty-four years imprisonment. Armond "Buddy" Dellacroce, drug trafficker and son of Gambino crime family Underboss Aniello Dellacroce, dies from a drug overdose. Daniel Sciacca, brother of New Jersey Teamster's President Michael Sciacca (an associate of Anthony Provenzano), succeeds his brother as head of the Genovese crime family-controlled Teamsters Local 560. November
- Bea ist entschlossen, Ben und Julia zu einem Happy End zu verhelfen. Also versucht sie Ben zu überreden, Julia ein romantisches Liebesgeständnis zu machen. Das ist alles, was Julia braucht, um an Bens Gefühle zu glauben. Doch als sie bei Ben auf Granit beißt, greift Bea zu verzweifelten Mitteln, um die beiden zu ihrem Glück zu zwingen. Dank Isabelles subtiler Manipulation entscheidet sich Richard dafür, dass Fundament in der Dance Factory aufreißen zu lassen. Rainers Leiche wird gefunden. Simone, Jenny und Isabelle geraten unter Druck, als Erik eine Großbefragung aller Zentrumsmitarbeiter ankündigt, doch Simone beharrt, dass ihnen nichts passieren kann, solange sie sich gegenseitig decken. Sie ahnt nicht, dass Isabelle sie zum Sündenbock machen will. Letizia rettet Melanie nicht nur vor De
- The year 1988 saw the largest release of G.I. Joe toys prior to 1993. Forty-five figures and 42 vehicles were released. There was a mix of traditional and futuristic looks, with many new figures, but also many recognizable faces. Special forces multiplied this year: Battle Force 2000 started the year off with its own vehicles. Destro split off from Cobra and formed his own army, the Iron Grenadiers. In late summer, Toys "Я" Us carried its own exclusive mission team, Night Force, consisting of repainted figures from the previous year, as well as several vehicles repainted black with orange highlights. Toward the end of the year, the Tiger Force was released, featuring nine repainted Joes and one original one, with several "Tiger" vehicles and a distinctive paint scheme. Some inequities were
- [[Category:th century| *]] [[Category:s| *]] [[Category:th century decades]] On 8 April 1988, the Eighth Doctor and Izzy Sinclair landed in Stockbridge, England to buy the 56th issue of Aggrotron!. (AUDIO: Izzy's Story) On 4 May, Captain Therése Gavalle first encountered Tko-Ma on the island of Réunion. He erased her memory of their encounter, but implanted a trigger word in her mind. When she heard that word, Njah-Ma, she would become his mind controlled servant. (PROSE: Instruments of Darkness) In July, Bernie Harris was born. (TV: Ghost Machine)