| - [[w:|]][[Category:fr: derivations|Massacrer]] massacre from [[w:|]][[Category:fr: derivations|Massacrer]] macacre, macecle (“‘slaughterhouse, butchery’”) from Medieval Latin mazacrium "massacre, slaughter, killing", also "the head of a newly killed stag", of [[w:|]][[Category:fr: derivations|Massacrer]] origin, from [[w:|]][[Category:fr: derivations|Massacrer]] *matskelen "to massacre" (cf [[w:|]] metzeln "to massacre"), freq. of matsken, matzgen (“‘to cut, hew’”) from Proto-Germanic *mit-, mait- (“‘to cut’”) from Proto-Indo-European *mei- (“‘small’”). Akin to [[w:|]] meizan (“‘to cut’”), [[w:|]] matsen (“‘to maul, kill’”), dialectal German metzgern "to butcher, kill", [[w:|]] metzgen (“‘to cut, kill, slaughter cattle’”), Metzger (“‘a butcher’”), Metzelei (“‘massacre’”), [[w:|]] máitan "to
| - [[w:|]][[Category:fr: derivations|Massacrer]] massacre from [[w:|]][[Category:fr: derivations|Massacrer]] macacre, macecle (“‘slaughterhouse, butchery’”) from Medieval Latin mazacrium "massacre, slaughter, killing", also "the head of a newly killed stag", of [[w:|]][[Category:fr: derivations|Massacrer]] origin, from [[w:|]][[Category:fr: derivations|Massacrer]] *matskelen "to massacre" (cf [[w:|]] metzeln "to massacre"), freq. of matsken, matzgen (“‘to cut, hew’”) from Proto-Germanic *mit-, mait- (“‘to cut’”) from Proto-Indo-European *mei- (“‘small’”). Akin to [[w:|]] meizan (“‘to cut’”), [[w:|]] matsen (“‘to maul, kill’”), dialectal German metzgern "to butcher, kill", [[w:|]] metzgen (“‘to cut, kill, slaughter cattle’”), Metzger (“‘a butcher’”), Metzelei (“‘massacre’”), [[w:|]] máitan "to cut".