| - Type(タイプTaipu) are attributes or property of Pokémon species and moves. They lay the foundation of a complex yet mostly logical "balance of powers" system that applies to every Pokémon and their respective moves. Some advantages and disadvantages are based on common sense (e.g. Fire-type Pokémon being weak to Water-type attacks), while others are not as obvious (e.g. Fire-type attacks being strong against Steel Pokémon, possibly because fire melts metal). Each type has three specific functions: which types of Pokémon it is super effective against', which types of Pokémon it is not very effective against, and which types of Pokémon it is completely ineffective against.
- Although Pokémon in other games can have two types, Pokémon in Pokémon Shuffle have only one type. Certain types are Super Effective against others (dealing x2 damage), and some Not Very Effective (dealing x.5 damage). In most cases, the player should aim to use Pokémon that are Super Effective against the opponent. The Optimize button will automatically choose three highest damaging Pokémon and one random Super Effective Pokémon with a Mega Stone, or one random Pokémon with a Mega Stone if no Super Effective Pokémon is found. Here is a useful type chart for determining type matchups:
- Designates the type of attachment,
- Some encounters are "TYPE encounters." Having a bonus against a specific TYPE (conferred by certain equipment or potions) will help your hero overcome these obstacles. These bonuses add directly to your hero's die roll on any encounters of that TYPE, but do not help on other encounters. The bonus against a specific TYPE can include any of the following:
- A type is a thing that tells what a Pokemon can do, and sometimes their moves. All Pokemon have types, because all Pokemon are stupid and need something cool, like types and moves, to balance them out. Some Pokemon are type stealers and put their types in little plates. Three strange Pokemon are type copiers, and can copy other Pokemon's types.
- The game contains 5 different monster types.
* Animal
* Evil
* Human
* Metal
* Spirit
- Les types des monstres permettent de les classer par catégories. Avant la sortie du Booster La Genèse du Duelliste, le jeu comptait 20 types différents de monstres, et un 21ème a été ajouté dans cette dernière extension : le type Psychique. Le 22ème type est quant à lui celui des Cartes Divines et n'était pas considéré comme un type avant la sortie du nouvel Obelisk. Les Types se présentent généralement comme ceci : [ Type ou Type Principal / Type Secondaire / Type Tertiaire ] (les monstres peuvent posséder de 1 à 3 Types).
- Type is a characteristic of weapons in Stick Ranger. It determines the element of the weapon. When the mouse rolls over the weapon, the type of the weapon is revealed, along with other features of the type shown. For example, "20% Slow" means that the weapon slows down the enemy by 20%.
- Chaque Pokémon se singularise par un type ou un double type lui octroyant des résistances et des faiblesses à d'autres types. Chaque attaque est aussi caractérisée par un type.
- Each Pokémon has one or two Types which give it an advantage over some types but a disadvantage over others. These strengths and weaknesses also apply to Attacks and their types. There are 18 types in total. Damage on a "not very effective" attack is multiplied by 0.8. Damage on a "super effective" or STAB attack is multiplied by 1.25. es:Tipos elementales
- Second Life features many different kinds of types:
* account
* joint
* LSL: variables, function parameters, and return values, etc
* material
* permissions
* prim ...and many others mostly superfluous to list here.
- Type is a special vector object that represents text and other characters through the use of a font face. Type is added to a Photoshop image using the Type tool.
- Type is a classification that puts an element of the Submachine series in a certain category.
- TYPE is a CAOS command used to find the type of a token.
- Type refers to the type of an item: cloth, leather , mail, or plate. It can also refer to the type of a weapon: main hand, off hand, one-hand, range, thrown, or two-hand.
- Type(タイプTaipu) are attributes or property of Pokémon species and moves. They lay the foundation of a complex yet mostly logical "balance of powers" system that applies to every Pokémon and their respective moves. Some advantages and disadvantages are based on common sense (e.g. Fire-type Pokémon being weak to Water-type attacks), while others are not as obvious (e.g. Fire-type attacks being strong against Steel Pokémon, possibly because fire melts metal). Each type has three specific functions: which types of Pokémon it is super effective against, which types of Pokémon it is not very effective against, and which types of Pokémon it is completely ineffective against.
- SC = Scalen HU = Humanoid FL = Florax HA = Haunten ME = Mecha EL = Elementa BE = Beastkin VE = Vena
- Let M be a structure in the language L. A partial type in a variable x is a set of L(M)-formulas in the free variable x, i.e., a set of formulas in the free variable x with parameters from M. Usually a type is denoted something like , and then denotes the set of sentences obtained by substituting c for x. If x is a tuple of length n, a type in the variable x is called a partial n-type. When n isn't specified, the default may or may not be 1-types, depending on one's conventions. for every . or and not both.