| - It is an unusual Myriaceran, with a large carapace, and many legs, and it's eyes are on stalks, which are retracted during burrowing. Their two front legs end in large scythes, similar to a praying mantis, which they use to slash at prey and foes alike. Their mouths are large and cricular, and hae many rows of sharp teeth, which hint a carnivorous diet, although they get most of their nutrition from the soil they consume. Terramaws also have what looks like a large blue tongue, which they use to smell the air when surfacing. Also near the mouth are two sets of tentacle like atteanae, which also help "smell" a wider area than the tongue.
| - It is an unusual Myriaceran, with a large carapace, and many legs, and it's eyes are on stalks, which are retracted during burrowing. Their two front legs end in large scythes, similar to a praying mantis, which they use to slash at prey and foes alike. Their mouths are large and cricular, and hae many rows of sharp teeth, which hint a carnivorous diet, although they get most of their nutrition from the soil they consume. Terramaws also have what looks like a large blue tongue, which they use to smell the air when surfacing. Also near the mouth are two sets of tentacle like atteanae, which also help "smell" a wider area than the tongue. Solitary creatures by nature, it is extremely rare to encounter more than one in a given area. They live alone in a large nest that span large areas underground. It is unsure how big they get, since the whole body is never seen above ground, but estimates show that they can reach the size of a Lao Shan lung, perhaps even bigger. They consume a large quantity of soil when they burrow, but also supplement their diet with the flesh of creatures that are either too slow or too unlucky enough to escape. They can spit a very acidic fluid that they use to attack prey/foes from range. The Terramaw's mating behavior is largley unknown, assuming they mate at all. But it is known that they lay eggs, and the offspring, during their first few years, will consume a large quantity of Soil, Minerals and ores to build up their tough carapaces, and sometimes supplement their diet with carrion. But once they reach adulthood, they will turn to eating larger prey. It is suggested that they are the natural predators of Gravios and Uragaan and their respective subspecies, whose hides and flesh are rich in minerals and ores, which the Terramaw needs to fuel it's biological functions. This is very likely, as Gravios and Uragaan seem to flee when a Terramaw enters the same area, suggesting a predator-prey interaction. If this is the case, then it is likely that Terramaws are likely to compete with Akantor, a species of Pseudowyvern that also feeds on Gravios and Uragaan.