| - Wonder Woman has taken her band of followers to London, where Zola challenges them to think of potential names for her baby - the last son of Zeus. Eventually, she decides herself on the name Zeke, which even Hera likes, despite its commonness.
Diana, meanwhile, splits off to have a drink with War. The old man admits that she has changed, and that he means it as a compliment. She has brought together several disparate personalities into one family - a sign of a strong leader. Lennox appears, and suggests that despite Diana's ability to lead a team, he has decided that it is time for him to take his leave from it.
Elsewhere, in the belly of Poseidon, the First Born and Cassandra find their way to Poseidon's true home, where the god of the sea offers him a deal. He will return the First Born's weapon and allow him to overtake Mount Olympus in exchange for leaving the sea and hell to its current rulers. Naturally, the First Born refuses.
To Orion's joy, Lennox announces his intent to leave to everyone, claiming that it would offer him more opportunity to seduce Wonder Woman, despite the fact that she and Lennox are half-brother and sister. Intently, Wonder Woman approaches him, warning that his innuendos are a waste of her time. She then, unexpectedly, plants a kiss on his lips. More unexpectedly, she grabs him by the testicles and speaks directly into his ear that while she can live without his disrespect, he may not be able to live without them. If he fails to respect her, she will tear them off. He responds that she is cute when she's mad, and so she clocks him in the face. The result of this is that his face changes its appearance, and in his own embarrassment and anger, he announces that he will be leaving as well.
Poseidon warns that if the First Born kills him there, he will forever be trapped within the god's corpse. As such, it behooves him to make a deal. The deal will be sealed in blood, and the First Born slits his finger, and mingles his blood with Poseidon's own. With the deal made, Poseidon warns that the ruler of Olympus is now Apollo. Furthermore, the throne of Olympus cannot be won without the last born - Zeus's final and true heir. And the last born is protected by the last Amazon.
After letting the First Born on his way, Poseidon and Hades note that the two enemies the First Born faces are formidable. They hope that one will be destroyed by him, while the other will destroy him. Hades wagers that the ultimate victor will be Wonder Woman.
Meanwhile, Artemis returns to Earth to take back the child from Zola.