| - Christopher Blair, (callsign Maverick, Pilgrim), The Heart of the Tiger and the Savior of the Terran Confederation was a hero of the Kilrathi War. A competent and cool-headed, though not unemotional, with his 'rebellious' cockpit moniker assigned him as an ironic reference to his Boy Scout personality. He is one of the top twenty aces of the war having served alongside the other top aces including Todd Marshall (Maniac), and Carl T. LaFong (Prankster), who were among disproportionate number aces served in the Rapier II squadrons.
| - Christopher Blair, (callsign Maverick, Pilgrim), The Heart of the Tiger and the Savior of the Terran Confederation was a hero of the Kilrathi War. A competent and cool-headed, though not unemotional, with his 'rebellious' cockpit moniker assigned him as an ironic reference to his Boy Scout personality. He is one of the top twenty aces of the war having served alongside the other top aces including Todd Marshall (Maniac), and Carl T. LaFong (Prankster), who were among disproportionate number aces served in the Rapier II squadrons. The most complete "biographies" for Christopher Blair not counting The Kilrathi Saga (which overlaps LaFong) or the WC3-4 and Telep novels (and Confederation Handbook) can be found in the Wing Commander IV and Wing Commander: Prophecy player's guides. There is still has some overlap with LaFong but they also includes some additional original material as well, but only up to the start of the respective game. There is some additional material related to Prophecy in the Secret Ops communications (documentation), and foreshadowing in Pilgrim Truth to his return.