Flashes Before Your Eyes is the eighth episode of season 3 of Lost. Desmond Hume is featured in the episode's continuous flashback, although the flashback is actually Desmond reliving a part of his life after imploding the hatch.
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- Flashes Before Your Eyes
- Flashes Before Your Eyes
- Flashes Before Your Eyes
- Flashes Before Your Eyes
- Flashes Before Your Eyes
| - Flashes Before Your Eyes is the eighth episode of season 3 of Lost. Desmond Hume is featured in the episode's continuous flashback, although the flashback is actually Desmond reliving a part of his life after imploding the hatch.
- After drinking with Charlie and Hurley, what happened to Desmond after he turned the fail-safe key inside the hatch is finally revealed.
- "Flashes Before Your Eyes" is de achtste aflevering van seizoen 3 van Lost.
- |} Escrito por Exibido em Exibido em Elenco Convidados especiais Convidados Co-estrelado por Não creditados Imagens arquivadas "Flashes Before Your Eyes" foi o oitavo episódio da 3ª Temporada e o 57º de Lost; foi ao ar em 14 de Fevereiro de 2007.
- Charlie i Hurley siedzą w namiocie Sawyera i grzebią w jego rzeczach spierając się, czy posiadacz by im na to pozwolił. Wtem przybywa Desmond i prosi, by za nim poszli. Wspólnie udają się w głąb dżungli, gdzie czekają Sayid i Locke. Informują oni tamtych o śmierci Eko i proszą o duchowe wspieranie innych plażowiczów w obliczu tej strasznej wieści.
- "[[|]]" es el episodio número ocho de la tercera temporada de Lost, y el nº 57 de la serie, y fue emitido originalmente el 14 de febrero de 2007. Un suspicaz y determinado Charlie recluta a Hurley para que le ayude a sacarle toda la verdad a Desmond, que ha estado actuando de forma extraña desde la implosión de la escotilla.
- "Flashes Before Your Eyes" is the eighth episode in Season 3 and the fifty-seventh produced hour of the series as a whole. It was originally broadcast on February 14, 2007. A suspicious and determined Charlie enlists Hurley to help him wrestle the truth out of Desmond, who has been acting strangely ever since the implosion of the Swan station.
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- Flashes Before Your Eyes transcript
| - Naveen Andrews
- Sayid Jarrah
- *Did not appear in the episode.
- Dominic Monaghan - Charlie Pace
- Emilie de Ravin - Claire Littleton
- Jorge Garcia - Hugo Reyes
- Terry O'Quinn - John Locke
- Henry Ian Cusick - Desmond Hume
- Yunjin Kim - Sun-Hwa Kwon
- Daniel Dae Kim - Jin-Soo Kwon*
- Evangeline Lilly - Kate Austen*
- Josh Holloway - James Ford*
- Michael Emerson - Benjamin Linus*
- Matthew Fox - Jack Shephard*
- Kiele Sanchez - Nikki Fernandez*
- Rodrigo Santoro - Paulo*
- Elizabeth Mitchell - Juliet Burke*
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- DesEyeFlash.jpg
- DesmondEye.jpg