| - Philip J. Fry is a character from Futurama, voiced by Billy West. He is seen replacing Bart in a couch gag. In the episode Beware My Cheating Bart he is seen on an asteroid with Turanga Leela. He and the entire planet express crew appeared in the crossover Simpsorama. File:Futurama2.jpg
- thumb|124px Philip J. Fry (normalmente conocío como Fry) es er protagonista e Futurama, la serie d'animación pa la tilefisión creá por Matt Groening, creaor e Los Simpson. Fry es un joven repartior e pizza n'er año 1999 que por accidente cae n'una cámara criogénica y queda congelao durante 1.000 años. Se dispierta n'er año 2999 y, dimpués e conocer a Leela y Bender, empieza a trebajar como repartior en l'empresa e mensajería interplanetaria Planet Express, propieá e su sobrino er profesor Hubert Farnsworth.
- See: Fry Family Tree
* Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth, Fry's many-times-great-nephew and at the same time many-times-grandson.
* Cubert Farnsworth, Hubert Farnsworth's clone.
* Ignar - Professor Farnsworth's son
* Mildred - Fry's grandmother
* Yancy Fry, Sr - Fry's father and son
* Mrs. Fry- Fry's mother and daughter-in-law
* Yancy Fry, Jr - Fry's older brother and grandson.
* Sarah Fry - Fry's Younger Sister and granddaughter
* Philip J. Fry II - Fry's nephew
* Elizabeth Farnsworth Fry's Neice
* Unborn Farnsworth Babies Fry's Neice and Nephew
* Enos Fry- Fry's original grandfather
* Yancy Fry the Elder- Fry's great-grandfather
* Minute-Man Yancy Fry- Fry's deceased American Revolution ancestor.
* Ned Farnsworth- Professor Hubert J.