The Big Five, initially known as the "executives for Kaiba Corporation," are a group of five corporate executives that used to work for Gozaburo Kaiba, producing weapons of mass destruction for KaibaCorp, and then later for Seto Kaiba making video game software. Starting off as minor villains in Duelist Kingdom, they later become the main antagonists in the Legendary Heroes arc and secondary antagonists of the Virtual World arc.
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| - The Big Five, initially known as the "executives for Kaiba Corporation," are a group of five corporate executives that used to work for Gozaburo Kaiba, producing weapons of mass destruction for KaibaCorp, and then later for Seto Kaiba making video game software. Starting off as minor villains in Duelist Kingdom, they later become the main antagonists in the Legendary Heroes arc and secondary antagonists of the Virtual World arc.
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ritual monsters
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| - * A Deal with Dark Ruler
* Driving Snow
* Gravity Bind
effect monsters
| - * Berserk Dragon
* Catapult Turtle
* Deepsea Warrior
* Hysteric Angel
* Injection Fairy Lily
* Jinzo
* Machine King
* Magician of Faith
* Nightmare Penguin
* The Legendary Fisherman
normal monsters
| - * Judge Man
* Robotic Knight
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| - * A Legendary Ocean
* Altar of Mist
* Dragon Revival Ritual
* Heavy Storm
* Monster Reborn
* Pot of Greed
* Polymerization
* Premature Burial
* Revenge Sacrifice
* Sebek's Blessing
* Spring of Rebirth
| - Le Big Five
- Les Cinq Grands
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Video Games
| - * Yu-Gi-Oh! Destiny Board Traveler
* Yu-Gi-Oh! Nightmare Troubadour
* Yu-Gi-Oh! Destiny Board Traveler
* Yu-Gi-Oh! Reshef of Destruction
| - The Big Five, initially known as the "executives for Kaiba Corporation," are a group of five corporate executives that used to work for Gozaburo Kaiba, producing weapons of mass destruction for KaibaCorp, and then later for Seto Kaiba making video game software. Starting off as minor villains in Duelist Kingdom, they later become the main antagonists in the Legendary Heroes arc and secondary antagonists of the Virtual World arc. They often form alliances with individuals that can give them more power, as they go from working for Gozaburo Kaiba, to Seto Kaiba, to Maximillion Pegasus, and finally, to Noah Kaiba.
is Team
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