| - The episode starts in the afterlife and more specifically, the city of Avagan where everybody is still trying to settle in. It now shifts to Marnitac who is looking over a display of the fights taking place as then, he is given a message from a soldier saying a BakuGod visionary has just seen the future and it looks bleak in the mortal world with the destruction of the planet of Vestal. Marnitac thinks for a moment, says tell the visionary I’m sending forces over as he orders a legion of nearby BakuGods to the same location where the Neathians and Gundalians landed. As the BakuGod soldiers fly off, nearby, Barodius’s group watches as they fly overhead. Barodius says well, this is unexpected but it will make it the more easier to get to what we came for. Mag Mel says you don’t even know if it can handle all of us as Hal-G says he is correct; I only overheard that only one person can go through it when it is activated. Barodius says it doesn’t matter – we will take that shot of getting through the Gate of Restorum and nothing will stop us as the screen zooms on the Gate as it is slowing charging a yellow color around the edges. The scene now shifts back to the battle between the DarkGods and HighGods as it shifts to Daedathron and Maxoric's fight. After Maxoric took off his robes and revealed a battle outfit, he and Daedathron are fighting on slightly more even terms but still, Daedathron is showing his superiority. As Daedathron slices across Maxoric's chestguard, injuring him - Maxoric is breathing very heavily as Daedathron slams his staff down on the ground and says if this is all the power you have, then this brawl is over as he says "Ability Activate - Shadow Fire Shooter!" as Torpedor fires a dark fire disk at Dagger Odos, managing to defeat him but still leaving Tornador to contend with. Maxoric reheals himself and says trust me, this brawl is far from finished as he activated Flarnado and Darknado, which manage to hit Torpedor in mid flight, knocking him down to the ground right behind Daedathron. Daedathron doesn't move an inch but then, he sees a whole swarm of lights above and says oh no - this battle is pointless now but Marxoic then charges at him and they start to fight. But as they are fighting, he gets a telepathic message from Marnitac saying do not worry, sir - I have already sent soldiers to bring the people here immediately through the underground tunnels. Daedathron says good work; are all the Gundalians and Neathians in Avagan as Marnitac says all present and accounted for sir. Daedathron says good - I will be there shortly as it shifts to the battle at hand as then, Daedathron does a spinning roundhouse kick at Maxoric, knocking Maxoric down. As Maxoric recovers, Daedathron says I regret to inform you but I must end this fight now - I've only been delaying you as he then takes out a Ventus Bakugan from his robes. Maxoric says in shock then all this time; you have been playing me like a fool as he gets angrier by the second and says Tornador, let's show them what happens to fools you play games as he says "Ability Activate - Tidal Typhoon!" as Tornador suddenly creates a huge storm that engulfs a large portion of the battlefield and surrounding Daedathron and Torpedor inside. As it blows wildly, Daedathron just says a pathetic attempt for victory - it's a shame as he then says "Strike and Blast Away - Ventus Blastakor!" as he throws up the Bakugan, opening up to reveal a tank/cannon like Ventus Bakugan that lands hard. He then says "Ability Activate - Storm Superlaser!" as Blastakor says target locked as it shows a targeting system. He then says this is going to be easy as he says fire and a huge green blast fires from the cannon and it hits Tornador hard, instantly putting her back into ball form and hitting Maxoric, instantly defeating him and knocking him down unconscious. After the smoke clears, Maxoric is lying in rocks knocked out. Some HighGod soldiers say Lord Maxoric and they hurry over, carrying him away. Daedathron then walks over to Blastakor, pats him and says good work with Blastakor chuckling and saying I was wondering why I would help out as he and Torpedor return to ball form. As Daedathron grabs him, he says I must get the successor as he sees the other fight happening and runs over. Meanwhile, Neotaro and Zakaros are still fighting and to be frank, Neotaro is starting to overtake Zakaros who is on the defensive. Neotaro says don't tell me you are giving up now as Zakaros say no one is giving up but Zakaros says to himself for some reason, I seem to be losing more and more energy and it can't be from this fight. At that moment, Neotaro says "Ability Activate - Ninja Art - Shadow Oppressor!" as Gravi Norm fires a blast of dark energy, taking Shoult out. Zakaros calls out to him but for that one second he took his eye off, Neotaro comes up from in front and says keep your eye on the prize as he blasts Zakaros back, knocking him down and weakening him. As Zakaros tries to get up, he picks up Shoult and asks if he can go again but Shoult says I'm sorry but I feel weakened for some reason - I don't think I can do it. Zakaros says I understand as he puts Shoult into his robes and looks on, seeing Neotaro coming closer. Neotaro carries his staff on his shoulder and says even with those new abilities you might have, you are still as pathetic as ever. Zakaros says what do I do - I can't use Shoult and Gell won't think of this as a worthy challenge; I have to try the Trap form again and gets up slowly. He says the chant of transformation but for some reason, it doesn't work because the Master's Amulet restricts it. Zakaros is in shock and says what is going on with this thing as then, Neotaro says in front of you as he fires a blast, knocking Zakaros back again, further injuring him. Zakaros tries to stand but Neotaro puts his foot down on his chest and says last time, you had those mortals save you but who will save you now as he prepares to fire a point blank blast with Zakaros says I feel so weak I can barely raise my head. At that moment, a loud cry is heard as Neotaro looks behind him and sees that Torpedor Dragonoid has taken out Gravi Norm and Trianic easily. Neotaro says what the as then, Daedathron appears right behind Zakaros' head and says you were saying. Neotaro then looks and says don't interfere whoever you are or you will suffer the same fate as the half breed. Daedathron says sorry (as it shows that Blastakor is behind him) - I can't do that as Blastakor charges a huge blast and fires it straight at Neotaro, knocking him back the same way Maxoric went and knocking him out cold. Some DarkGod soldiers notice this and hurry over as the battle continues without their leaders. In the midst, Daedathron picks Zakaros up and flies up to Torpedor's head, laying him down as they fly back over to Avagan. While on the way, Zakaros notices the lights and says no, not again - we have to go back as Daedathron says sorry but you're in no shape to give orders as they continue but while they are flying, Tornador and Trianic in ball form fly somewhat behind as they follow them to their destination. The scene now shifts back to Vestal space where Calthor’s Ragnarok Dextra is on route to Vestal and everybody is watching. Dan says we got to stop it as Dragaon says on my way as he starts flying towards it and manages to outrun it. He then turns around to face it as Dan says "Ability Activate - Chimera Dragon!" as Dragaon unleashes blasts of fire from his palms and mouth at the Ragnarok Dextra. However, the blast justs absorbs the attacks and moves on, with Dragaon moving out of the way at the last second. Everybody looks as Spectra says we may not be able to save the planet now but let's see if we can save the people as Dan says Brawlers, back to Vestal as they start to fly down. But just as they get halfway, they are suddenly ambushed by a swarm of Vladfangs and Mysticores - who knock them back and are preventing them from getting through. Dan says geez, can't we get a break as Spectra says over a comlink Gus - have you evacuated the populance yet as Gus says no Master as Mira says we can't move any of them - it's like they are stone statues now. Ace then says where's Baron at as Mira says Baron is on his way to get his family if he can save them - he should ready soon soon. Back on Vestal, Baron hurries to his house and sees his entire family is just as frozen as the rest of the people. He says Mom, Dad, Maron guys - come on, we got to go now. Nemus says I don't think they can hear us as Baron says no, we have to save them Nemus - we just have to as he says come on Baron; think, what would Master Dan do. Nemus says I have an idea but it's risky and I think I can only use it once and even then I don't know if it would work. Baron says well, seeing as how the whole planet might be destroyed - what choice do we have; do it. Nemus says okay as he floats to the center of the house, starts glowing and says "Dampen Sphere" as a large sphere encircles the house for a few seconds and disappears. Nemus then falls down unconscious as Baron picks him up and says Nemus, you okay as then, a voice says big brother - what's going on. Baron says guys, you're okay as his whole family has been unfrozen by the ability. Baron says no time to explain - we have to get out of here before the whole planet goes boom as he uses his Gauntlet and says Gus, get us out of here. Gus says on it as they all beam to the Interceptor. Back in Vestal space, the Brawlers are trying to fight off the whole swarm of Mysticores and Vladfangs but no luck. While fighting, Dan says dang - we can't through these guys as he activates Combat Fire Fist for Drago and Chimera Dragon for Dragaon. Back with Spectra, Mira says brother - Baron and his family just arrived on as Klaus says I also managed to bring all of Vestal's technology, books and knowledge. Spectra says we have no choice then - Gus, get the Interceptor out of the upcoming blast radius. Gus says are you sure Master - we could still attempt to strike back at the blast but Spectra says if Siphuum and Baraxx couldn't handle it effectively - we have no choice; we still have the Vestals aboard the Interceptor and the Vestal Army - they will have to do. Ace then says you can't expect us to abandon our homes, our families as Shun says what do you expect us to do - we are overpowered and undermanned; you got any better ideas. Ace is silent and says no as he orders the Vestal army to head to the Interceptor as all the soldiers withdraw. Spectra then says oh no, I need to get something as he says Helios, clear a path as Helios chuckles and says my pleasure as Spectra says "Ability Activate - Nebula Blaster!" as Helios fires through, creating a hole in the Vladfang/Mysticore wall. He flies through down to Vestal as Dan says Spectra, hold on and prepares to follow but is closed off as the Ragnarok Dextra gets even closer. On Vestal, Spectra and Helios are flying through and they soon arrive at their old house. Spectra jumps down and runs inside, heading towards a safe behind a picture. Helios keeps a lookout outside and says Spectra, the blast is getting closer - if you don't hurry; we could see ourselves incinerated. Spectra then opens the safe and takes out a picture of the Clay family on a vacation and says even if we can't save everything; this will be saved as he runs out and gets on Helios. Spectra puts the picture in his robes and says let's fly as Helios flies up into the sky as the Dextra attack reaches building height. Back in space, the others are still fighting as Spectra rejoins them and Nurzak says fall back as they all retreat but Dan doesn't as he says no, we can still do it - we can't let this happen. Shun says come on Dan as Dan begrudgingly joins them. But just as they retreat, the blast hits Vestal and it starts to burrow into the planet. At that point, the cloaking device keeping the Interceptor is destroyed and it is revealing, revealing it to be just as big as the planet. Calthor says how interesting - quite a masterpiece as the ship starts to move with the energy it obtained and just as it manages to get away, the Ragnarok Dextra hits the planet's core, beginning the explosion. The planet soon shows cracks all over as the planet then blows sky high in a bright flash of light, releasing shockwaves and debris - hitting the Interceptor and knocking everybody down but not by that much as the push gives the Interceptor a chance to get away. After the light fades, the planet formerly known as Vestal is now gone in the blink of an eye. Everybody is in shock as Calthor says slyly three down and only two left to go. The scene now shifts back to the city of Avagan, where Zakaros and Daedathron have just arrived back. Zakaros has recovered a bit but he falls on one knee as BakuGod healers come around to help as well as the rest of Zakaros' group. After they heal him up, Zakaros says I'm fine, thank you - with Blakai asking what happened. Zakaros tries to shrug it off and says let's just say these new powers aren't all they are cracked up to be but that's not important; what is important is that as he points to the lights coming. Thorius says no, it can't be as Zakaros says seriously yes, it is - we have to go back and help the Vestals but he is still injured as he clutches his arm. Daedathron takes off his mask, holds up a hand and says fear not as he gestures to another cave entrance and sees the BakuGod soldiers are leading the Vestal people through and to their new living accommodations. Zakaros says thank you Daedathron with Daedathron saying there is no need for thanks - I am doing my duty in any way I can. Zakaros I have a question however – when I was alive, Spectra and Mira told me that the Vestal people numbers in the millions, if not the billions – how can these simple houses you've build hold so many people, not to mention the already large Gundalian and Neathian populations as Thorius says I am also curious about this as well. Daedathron simply turns, gestures and says come with me and you will see. Zakaros follows him as the rest of his group join up and then go inside one of the houses. Suddenly, they are in a much bigger utopia that looks like a huge metropolitan city in such a small space. As they wonder in amazement, Daedathron says some of the BakuGods that we have freed from the War are some of the best craftsmen and creators and they were able to create a space that while it looks small in the outside, it is vast on the inside. This single structure can house up to 25 million people of any race. As they walk out, Daedathron says unfortunately, we were not sure how to make the living quarters and the city itself more like their original homes – we are still learning about mortal cultures, ways of life and traditions. Zakaros says you are learning or adapting as Daedathron says to be honest, we have learned from you on how to adapt and be one with people, rather than above them and as such, we have learned much as he gestures to BakuGods learning skills from Neathians and Gundalians. At that moment, a yellow ball comes towards Daedathron's feet and he picks it up. He looks over and sees a young Neathian girl come over and ask for it back please. Daedathron looks at it and hands it back saying here you go little one with the girl saying thank you - you're really nice as she smiles and runs off. After she goes, Zakaros says you certainly are learning well and quickly as Daedathron smiles and says I, as well as the rest of us, still have a long way to go. Zakaros then says Mahisas, I have a question to ask of you but before he can say anything, a voice booms down before that - we need to talk as everybody looks up and sees the Attribute Masters flying down in their Bakugan battle forms. After they land, they return to normal as Zakaros says what brings you here as Daedathron says not that I should be surprised but how did you find us and this place. Zakaros says probably from spying on me as he looks at them with an angry look. Submarik says you were careless and distracted - we had to make sure you were protected as Zakaros says sorry but I don't remember ever requiring what humans call a babysitter. Laqua says that wasn't it but Zakaros says I'm done listening to excuses from you and Tsurambo - you are treating me as if I don't fully understand what the stakes are and that I don't seem to care. Pyraxx says that is not it but then, a voice from Zakaros' robe says Master, Gell senses strong opponents. The Attribute Masters immediately get frightened and back away a couples steps with Darkor saying stutteringly Zakaros, um........who was that. Gell then floats out, opens up and says hmm......Gell smash enemies of friend Master as the Masters get even more scared but Zakaros says Gell, they are not our enemies but don't worry; I'm sure they won't do anything rash as Gell says good, Gell be here if friend Master wishes to fight them and he floats back into his pocket. After he goes, the Masters relax as Zakaros says I would not get too hasty with me now - as you can see, I have someone that preferrably likes to fight. Venzana says duely noted - we do apologize for what we did but all we wanted was to make sure that things went smoothly - if it didn't, we would have interfered immediately. Zakaros says I understand now but next time, no more snooping as Hatoro says this is certainly quite the setup, Daedathron - we also came to make sure you are on Zakaros' side. Daedathron says I serve the successor as do the rest of my comrades with Pyraxx saying understood. At that moment, Marnitac appears and says my lord, another BakuGod visionary has come forward with a vision. Daedathorn says what did the visionary forsee as Marnitac says it was very cryptic but she said a friend of the successor would be here soon as part of a plan. Everybody is in shock as Zakaros says that doesn't sound good but why now. Submarik says probably for that as he points to the Gate of Restorum, which is almost finished charging from the looks of it. Zakaros says that's my way back isn't it as Daedathron says yes and it will stay activated until one goes through - we specifically set our city here to make sure when activated; only one person could use it - you. Zakaros says well, it looks like it will be used soon, one way or another. The scene now shifts back to Vestal space where the Brawlers and their allies have just witnessed the destruction of Vestal right before their eyes. Everybody is in shock as Mira says on the Interceptor no, not again as she starts crying with Baron and his family tearing up. Spectra quietly asks over the comm Gus, did the ship make it at least as Gus says stutteringly the shields held, Master Spectra but we still don’t have sufficient energy for the remaining systems. As everybody is frozen in shock, Dan is shown with his eyes shadowed as he then clutches his fist hard, looks up with tears and turns to Calthor who is staring at him, angrily. He then gets on Drago’s shoulder and says Drago, we’re finishing this here and now. Drago says okay as they both charge yelling out loudly. Shun says Dan wait but Dan is already on his way to Calthor. Tivala then says we will protect you Master but Calthor says sternly withdraw now, this is a matter I personally must attend to as he floats forward while Tivala and the others fly back a distance. As he charges, Dan yells out and says you won’t destroy anymore worlds – your time is up as Drago charges right fist first and punches at Calthor but Calthor holds out his hand and blocks it, causing a shockwave. Dan smiles and says Combat Fire Fist as Drago punches with his other hand but Calthor blocks that with his staff as Marucho says come on – we have to help him as everybody starts to rush over. Calthor notices and says Yang Sphere as he traps Dan and Drago inside an impenetrable sphere. Calthor then turns his attention to the charging Brawler forces as Dan and Drago pound on the sphere saying no, don’t you dare hurt them you creep loudly as Calthor quietly waves his right hand and says Ying Wall as a huge laser wall spreading for miles in all directions as Preyas runs head first into it and gets knocked back. Everybody stops as Helios puts his hand against the wall and says what the as Spectra says it’s a wall – we’ll just have to break it down as everybody starts attacking but the wall just seems to absorb the blasts. Amazon says in ball form I don’t think it’s working as Calthor then turns back to Dan and waves his hand, releasing the sphere. Dan says big mistake as he says “Ability Activate – Pride Dragon!” as Drago fires a blast but Calthor simply slides over to the right and the blast explodes nearby. We see a few scenes of hand to hand combat but Calthor is just brushing it off like it is nothing. As Dan and Drago prepare another attack, Calthor says Blast Shaker as he fires a blast, separating Dan and Drago but then, he holds both his hands out and says Twister Bind as Dan and Drago are then bound by air like chains all over them like a mummy minus the head, unable to move. They struggle a bit but they can’t get free as back at the wall, nothing is working to break the wall. John says let’s try our Mechtogan as everybody summons their Mechtogan and combine with them and start attacking but even that does no good. Back at the main fight, Dan looks angrily at Calthor who is silent but stern as always as he moves closer to Dan, over shadowing him. He looks down at Dan as Dan says well, what do you want you monster as Calthor says calmly you and your Dragonoid have been a thorn in my plans for far too long, in the past and now. He then backs away and says I believe the time has come to eliminate you as everybody hears this and stops, especially Dragaon. Dragaon says no, I can’t lose another Master - not again as he says Dragon’s Fury as he starts punching furiously at the wall nonstop while Munikis says I’m with you Dragaon as he says Underworld Wrath as he punches furiously, which starts to weaken the wall in that spot while everybody continues watching, even on the Interceptor with Runo saying I’m going out there – nobody hurts my man and gets away with it as she flies out with Mira saying wait up. Back on the other side of the wall, Dan says loudly dream on pal, you can’t make me do anything – do what you want but I won’t ever serve you or be your slave. Calthor say oh no, that would be too simplistic for you – how does death sound. Dan and Drago, as well as everybody else, are shocked at this as Calthor holds out his hand and it starts to glow black. Dan says you aren’t serious are you as Calthor says oh, when have you known me to not be serious as he says a team that is leaderless is no team at all as he says Hades Devastator. As it charges, Dan struggles hard and says Drago, we got to get out of here quickly as Drago says I’m sorry Dan but he has us bound – I can’t break free. Dan then gets scared as Runo and Mira catch up and yells at them to hurry it up as she says aim for where Dragaon and Munikis are hitting, it’s weakening there as Dragaon says I'm not failing him like I failed Zakaros as he hits harder while Munikis says same here and he hits harder as well. Everybody starts attacking there intensely as the blast fully charges where Calthor smiles. Dan says hurry guys, help while getting a bit scared as Calthor says oh Dan, with Dan looking at him intensely, give Zakaros my deepest regards as he fires. Dan yells out in terror as the blast encompasses him and Drago, causing extreme pain. Dan says under pain Drago we can get through this but Drago says Dan, I’m sorry as he disappears. Dan says Drago, no as a bright flash of light encompasses him, releasing a huge explosion and shockwave. At that same moment, Dragaon roars out and finally punches through the wall and hurries inside with the others but the shockwave knocks them back but they quickly recover. Back on Earth, Wavern feels a jolt of pain as Joe, who is watching another fight going on in Interspace, asks Wavern, what’s wrong. Wavern says something is not right – the Perfect Core, it’s fading and it feels like it's breaking apart. Joe gets worried and asks how as Wavern says I feel like something snapped and has faded away – I fear something as happened to Drago but I can’t feel his energy anymore or even Dan's. Back at the battle, as the smoke clears, everybody notices that there is nobody in sight as they look worriedly. Runo yells out Dan, where are you – even saying that the fun and games are over; we know you got away from that. Preyas says come on Drago buddy - where are you but at that moment, Skyress says look over there as they see an object in the distance – Dan’s goggles with the right lens cracked and the strap broken. They all rush over as Calthor backs away a bit as Runo picks them up and starts to get a bit teary eyed as does everybody else a little bit. Spectra says no, it can’t be as Helios says I can’t believe it. Nurzak and Fabia are in shock as they say how can this happen, to Dan no less. Dragaon is equally upset as he says I have failed both my masters with Munikis trying to console him but is equally as angry. Runo holds the goggles to her chest as she yells out Dan’s name out loud. The scene now shifts back to the afterlife and more specifically, in the air where Dan is flying through the air as he soon lands on the ground hard. As Dan recovers, he looks around and sees the afterlife and the devastated landscape. He says whoa, where am I and what happened but then, he notices Drago isn’t with him. He calls out to Drago but then, a blast hits the ground right in front of him, knocking him back. He says what the as then, he finds out he is in the middle of the Great War. The next few moments, he runs around comically avoiding blasts from both sides while calling out to Drago. He then sees a red shine near a boulder and runs to it. He finds Drago in his ball form as he picks him up, trying to get him to wake up. But then, he is surrounded by DarkGod soldiers who all point their staffs at him. Dan says oh snap as a DarkGod soldier says you belong to us. (End of episode)