Todd Howard is the Executive Producer and Game Director at Bethesda Softworks. Above him are a whole host of people who deal with the business side of the company. Todd Howard led the development of Fallout 3, Fallout 4 and Fallout Shelter.
Todd Howard est producteur exécutif et réalisateur chez Bethesda Softworks. Il a dirigé le développement de Fallout 3, Fallout 4 et Fallout Shelter.
Todd Howard - producent wykonawczy firmy Bethesda Softworks, najważniejsza osoba w firmie pracująca przy grach komputerowych. Nad nim jest całe mnóstwo osób zajmujących się sprawami biznesowymi. Todd Howard podejmował najważniejsze decyzje dotyczące gry Fallout 3, min. jak ma wyglądać system walki.
Todd Howard ist Game Director und Executive Producer für Bethesda Softworks. thumb|Todd Howard
Kategoria:Artykuły wymagające poprawy kategoriiTodd Howard – producent wykonawczy firmy Bethesda Softworks.
right|thumb|200px|Todd Howard Todd Howard es un director, productor y diseñador de videojuegos estadounidense. Actualmente es el productor ejecutivo del estudio Bethesda Game Studios, donde ha ejercido un papel de liderazgo en el desarrollo de las series de videojuegos The Elder Scrolls y Fallout 3.
Todd Howard is the Executive Producer and Game Director at Bethesda Softworks. Above him are a whole host of people who deal with the business side of the company. Todd Howard led the development of Fallout 3, Fallout 4 and Fallout Shelter.
Howard has spent over a decade in the video game industry. Having been educated at the College of William and Mary in Virginia he joined the fledgling Bethesda game development studio in 1994. One of Howard's first assignments was to work on the first Elder Scrolls game, The Elder Scrolls: Arena. His major credits include being project leader and designer of Morrowind, design on Daggerfall, producer and designer of The Terminator: Future Shock and SkyNET. He was also the project leader and designer of The Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard.