| - Recommended Stats:
* 85+ Defence
* 85+ Attack
* 85+ Strength
* 85+ Constitution
* 68+ Summoning Inventory:
* 2 Super attack potions
* 2 Super strength potions
* 8-12 food (shark or higher preferred)
* A one-click emergency teleport (house teleport recommended)
* A bunyip or unicorn stallion pouch
* 30+ healing aura scrolls (if using unicorn stallions)
* Optional - enhanced excalibur, super defence potions In bank:
* Extra juju teleport spiritbags, to return to gravestone in case of death, a Brimhaven POH, or completion of Shilo Village quest. The best way to get the most out of your trips here is to build favour points with your initial inventory, using the unicorn heals first then food. It's best to keep your life points above 700 seeing as they hit over 250 infrequently but usually grouped together and can kill you if you're not paying attention. Once your unicorn/bunyip and food runs out, run directly south to the offering stone and spend the points you've earned on fruits. They all heal 150/200 life points each, some with bonuses. This can extend your trip for quite some time. They will only mage you if you are out of melee range or when you pray melee. Alternatively, a player with very high melee stats and constitution wearing the full Guthan's set can fight nearly indefinitely by occasionally eating the Fruit drops, though a player should be careful from their highly dangerous attacks. Another way, if the player is running low on supplies but has enough food, they can go kill the mutated jadinko babies but this will count for one mutated jadinko if a player is on a mutated jadinko task, unless they have accumulated many points from killing them in previous slayer tasks to use the offering stone.