| - In her attempt to steal back some stolen paintings, Ororo has run right into the Shadow King's trap. She desperately struggles against the attacks of his Hounds and, after hurting the King with her haphazard weather power, she falls into a pool, from which she is rescued by a charismatic young thief who calls himself Gambit and has mutant powers himself. Gambit almost manages to mesmerize the King's aide Lian with his charm, but is attacked by the King himself. Together, though, the two thieves manage to trick their attackers and flee via the roof and Storm's parachute. Later, at the junkyard where Storm is staying, she admits that the Shadow King won’t give up and Gambit is now likely part of his vendetta. Nanny and the Orphan-Maker have finally almost located Storm again. Nanny is determined to "rescue" her, before the Shadow King gets Ororo. In Washington D.C., Val Cooper is sent by the Shadow King to assassinate Mystique, who, courtesy of a letter by Destiny, is already expecting her. However, Mystique doesn't act to stop Val.