| - Narrator: As Jay Jay the Jet Plane flew over Tarrytown one fine morning— (he approaches the airport.) —he had one special person on his mind. Jay Jay: Brenda! Brenda! (He zooms past Tracy and Herky, shaking them.) HEY BRENDAAA!!! Herky: (under previous) Whoaaaaaa!!! Jay Jay: Brenda Blue! (Brenda walks up.) Brenda: Oh, hi there, Jay Jay. What's up? Jay Jay: (between pants) A letter...for you...in the mail pouch...important. Brenda: (from o.s.) Oh. Tracy: Hey, Brenda. What's going on? Brenda: Jay Jay says there is an important letter for me in his mail pouch. Brenda: Let's see...oh, here it is. Hey, it's from my mother. (She starts to open it.) All others: Your mother?! Brenda: Yes. Brenda: She's coming to Tarrytown! You know, this is her first visit here, ever! Herky: (from o.s.) When? Brenda: Let's see...oh, she's coming on Mother's Day. (chuckles) Tracy: Mother's Day? What's that? Brenda: Tracy, Mother's Day is the day when we celebrate all the wonderful things our mothers do for us. Snuffy: Brenda, when is Mother's Day? Brenda: Um... (suddenly in alarm) Oh, no. Mother's Day is today, Snuffy! All others: Today?! Brenda: Oh...oh, this letter must've been delayed in the mail! Brenda: I have to get everything ready— (More stammering; she brushes herself.) I gotta be prepared! Um...um, how much time do I have? (looks at her letter) Let's see, uh...oh...oh, she's coming this afternoon! Oh...okay. Okay. (exhales) Don't-don't panic, Brenda. Stay calm. Okay— (more stammering) Guys, guys...I gotta go, bye! Jay Jay: Boy, I don't think I've ever seen Brenda quite so jumpy, before. Herky: She pr-r-robably wants everything to be just r-r-right for her mother's visit. Tracy: Yes, and we should, too. Snuffy: What do you mean, Tracy? Tracy: We're going to be meeting Brenda's mother for the very first time, right? Jay Jay, Herky: Right. Tracy: So we've got to make sure she likes us. Jay Jay: How? Tracy: Let's make this airport look perfect—then, Brenda's mother will be proud of us and proud of Brenda. Snuffy: I like that idea! Tracy: Okay, look. We don't have much time to make this place shine, so we really need to work as a team. Jay Jay: And we'll need a team leader. I vote for you, Tracy. Herky: Me too. Snuffy: Me four! Uh...I mean...three! Tracy: Thanks, guys. Okay, let's get moving, we have lots to do. Snuffy: What are we gonna do first? (His propeller starts to spin.) Tracy: I have a plan. Follow me! Herky: Okay! Snuffy: Okay, here we go! Jay Jay: Right behind ya! Snuffy: What'll we do? Jay Jay: What'll we do? Herky: What'll we do? Tracy: What'll we do? Tracy: Let's team up in action, on land and in the air Jay Jay: A big celebration for mothers everywhere Snuffy: To meet Brenda's mother Jay Jay, Snuffy: Nothing less will do All: Than the best ever Mother's Day to thank you, Mrs. Blue Jay Jay: Come on, Herk! Herky: 'Cause you're Br-r-renda's mother-r-r, you'r-r-re probably ver-r-ry nice Snuffy: Let's make things all sparkle, not once, but even twice Tracy: You made Brenda special, so Jay Jay, Tracy: Especially for you All: Do everything that we can think to thank you, Mrs. Blue Jay Jay: You won't see just Tarrytown, you'll see a dream come true All: The best ever Mother's day To thank you Mrs. Blue Narrator: Now, it wasn't as if the airport needed much cleaning, so everybody was surprised when Tracy drew up a long, long list of things that needed to be done. Narrator: It was so long, that even Tracy had a hard time keeping everything straight in her head. Tracy: (rapid fire) ...And then you have to clean out the oil barrels, then you must repair the hole in the side of Brenda's workshop, and then pick up those tires in the back of the— Jay Jay: Hey, Tracy! That's a lot for just one little plane. Can I have some help? Tracy: Jay Jay, everybody else is busy—Snuffy's going to fill his skywriting tanks with paint, and then spraypaint the roof of the tower. I have Herky waxing the side of the hangar and Revvin' Evan washing the runway— Herky: Hey Tr-r-racy, I just finished washing the side of the hangar-r-r. (He gives off a whoop.) See? Tracy: Herky, I asked you to wax the side of the hangar, not wash it. Herky: Nuh-uh! You asked me to wash it! Tracy: Hmm. That's funny. I remember telling somebody to wax something. Jay Jay: Well, if it wasn't Herky, then who was it? Tracy: Uh-oh. (She gasps.) Jay Jay, Tracy: REVVIN' EVAN! Tracy: (from o.s.) Revvin' Evan! Jay Jay: (from o.s.) Revvin' Evan! (They slide up to him; he joins.) Tracy: Did you wash or wax the runway? Evan: Huh? I waxed it, just like you asked me too. (Jay Jay and Tracy boggle at this mistake.) See? The wax made it all pretty and shiny...funny thing though— (spins around) —it also made it kinda slippery. Jay Jay, Tracy: Oh no!!! Tracy: We're not supposed to wax a runway! Now, it's way too slippery to land on! Oscar: Ah, there's nothing like a nice flight to get your circulation all stirred up. Now for a perfect three-point landing. Jay Jay: Oh no, look! Old Oscar's coming in! (He zips off.) Tracy: Oscar, don't land! DON'T LAND! (She joins Jay Jay, who is next to Oscar's barn.) Jay Jay: Oh, he can't hear you, his engine's too loud. Tracy: OSCAR! THE RUNWAY'S TOO— Oscar: Whoooooaaaaaa!!! Tracy: ...Slippery. (She and Jay Jay quickly taxi up to a dazed Oscar.) Oh, poor Oscar. Are you alright? Oscar: Never better. Eh, it's kinda funny—I wanted to get stirred up, but this is too much stirrin'. Tracy: No, no, no! This is a mess! There's hay everywhere! Snuffy: We were supposed to be cleaning up the airport, and now it's worse than ever! Herky: We'd better-r-r do something fast—Br-r-renda will be her-r-re soon with her mother! (He makes a questioned noise.) Tracy: Think, Tracy, think! (Something clicks in her head.) Aha! I got it! I have another plan! Jay Jay: Oh, now what? Tracy: The fastest way to get rid of all this hay is for us to blow it away. Jay Jay: How are we going to do that? Tracy: With our jets and propellers. We can aim them at the hay and be like a giant fan blowing it away. Jay Jay: Well...I guess that oughta work. Tracy: Of course it will. Now everybody get in place! Tracy: Ready? (The other three are next to her.) Other three: Ready! Tracy: Aim... Other three: Aim! Tracy: FIRE!!! Tracy: Remember to reverse your thruster, Jay Jay! Tracy: That'll blow your jets towards the front of you! Jay Jay: Okay! Tracy: Look! It's working! But we've got to hurry! (Close-up.) Rev up your engines to super high speed to blow things away in it faster! Jay Jay: Um...Tracy? Look! Tracy: Stop! (She stops blowing.) STOOOP!! Tracy: Oh no! Now it's an even bigger mess—and I didn't think that was possible! Jay Jay: Oh, this just isn't turning out to be our day. Tracy: Come on, we've got to move, move, move!! Narrator: For the next hour, everybody worked frantically to clean up the oil. And finally, everything looked just fine. Tracy: Well, we've done it. I didn't think we'd make it, but we did. Good job, everybody. Jay Jay: (panting) Thanks, Tracy. Snuffy: Uh-oh! Tracy: What's wrong, Snuffy? Snuffy: Look up there! Tracy: What?! How did we miss that?! Jay Jay: I don't know, but I don't think we can clean it off in time. Tracy: But we've got to! Herky: But how? Tracy: Snuffy, what if you go up there and wash it away? Snuffy: Supersonic! I'm on my way! Narrator: So, Snuffy took off to perform his new task. There was only one slight problem... (Close-up of the other three.) Tracy: Good. There he goes. (Something clicks in Jay Jay's head.) Jay Jay: Uh...hey, Tracy? Didn't you tell me that you asked Snuffy to fill his skywriting tanks with paint, and then spraypaint the roof of the tower? Tracy: Uh-huh. Jay Jay: Well, did he ever take that paint...out of his tanks? Tracy: I don't think so. (Now it hits her; she gasps in shock.) OH NO!!! Narrator: Oh, yes. Snuffy thought he was going to drop clean water on the airport, but instead, he accidentally dropped... Narrator: Red paint, everywhere. Snuffy: Uh-oh. Tracy: This is the very, very, very worst thing ever! (Jay Jay joins on the end of this.) Jay Jay: Oh, no! And here comes Brenda with her mother! Brenda: Well Mom, here it is: Tarrytown Airport. Tracy: This is so embarrassing! I want to crawl under a rock! Mrs. Blue: Why, it's very, very nice, dear, but...why are there so many red spots? Brenda: Huh? Tracy: Oh Brenda, I'm so sorry—it's all my fault! Jay Jay: Nononono, it's my fault! (Herky joins.) Herky: No way, it's my fault! (Snuffy joins.) Snuffy: No, it really, really is my fault! Mrs. Blue: What's this all about, dear? Brenda: Mother, meet all my friends. This is Tracy, Jay Jay, Herky and Snuffy. Mrs. Blue: Well, I'm happy to meet you all. Tracy: But...we were trying to make the airport look perfect for you on Mother's Day, and we messed everything up. Jay Jay: Oh, we're really sorry! Snuffy: Yeah, I bet we spoiled your whole visit. Mrs. Blue: Oh, nonsense. I don't care about that. Accidents happen. All I really care about is visiting my daughter whom I love very much. Brenda: Oh, Mom... (chuckles more) Mrs. Blue: And because I've heard so many good things about you from Brenda... Mrs. Blue: (from o.s.) I already feel as if you're my best friends, too! Snuffy: You do? (Back to the Blues.) Mrs. Blue: Yes I do, Snuffy. Tracy: But what about this big mess we've made? Brenda: Oh Tracy, nobody blames you for that. Mrs. Blue: Just the opposite: I'm flattered at all the hard work you've put into making things look nice for me, Tracy. Jay Jay: You know, we're usually a pretty good clean-up team. Herky: Yeah, and Tr-r-racy's a gr-r-reat team leader-r-r. Mrs. Blue: Well then, Tracy, how 'bout if I take you and your team on a nice picnic as a way of saying thanks for all the hard work you've done? Tracy: A picnic? That would be great! (Brenda giggles and embraces her mother.) Narrator: So, after they cleaned up the airport once more... Narrator: They all flew to Tarrytown National Park, where they joined Brenda and her mother on a wonderful Mother's Day picnic. Tracy: A Mother's Day picnic Jay Jay: We like this idea lots Herky: You came to the airport Snuffy: And all there was was spots Brenda: You're so understanding In all you say and do So, happy, happy, Mother's day All: And thank you Mrs. Blue Mrs. Blue: This has been the best Mother's Day ever.