| - I'm against the death penalty. The following true story is one reason why. "I know about you" Kappler said. "People have told me you can't pass a beggar without giving him money, that you will help anyone - Americans, British, Jews, Arabs, all the same. They say you believe in brotherly love." O'Flaherty looked at Kappler carefully. "It's why I became a priest. What do you want?" "The American army is closing on Rome now. It won't take them long to get here" replied Kappler. "My wife and family are here. There is no German transport to take them home. If the partisans capture them, they'll kill them. I want you to get them to safety. You know how!" O'Flaherty was shocked. "No! It is too much to ask! You have sent thousands of families to their deaths, but now you want me to save yours! No. It is the reward of your evil! I will not do it!" O'Flaherty turned and walked away. In desperation Kappler shouted to the man who might save his family. "It's all a lie! Your God, love, mercy - all lies. You're no different from anyone else." It was coming to the end of World War II. The Germans were occupying Italy, and Colonel Orbest Kappler was the Nazi Commander of Rome. He had been responsible for deporting 10,000 Italian Jews who were later murdered, and for executing at least 335 Italians in retribution for a bomb that killed 33 Germans. Father O'Flaherty was a Roman Catholic priest. He had hidden Jews and allied soldiers and saved hundreds of lives. He almost lost his own life because Kappler wanted him dead. And now, Kappler was begging him for help. And O'Flaherty knew he must help. Jesus said to "Love your enemies" and "Pray for those who harm you". Kappler's family did escape to Switzerland. However, Kappler was captured and tried. He was given a life sentence for his crimes instead of the death penalty. He had only one visitor for the next 14 years but that visitor came consistently every month. In 1959, Kappler confessed his sins and repented and he was baptized by his visitor. That visitor was O'Flaherty. Kappler had become a Christian and received forgiveness of sins and eternal life through Christ. Imagine if he had been executed after the war without knowing Christ and forgiveness. The death penalty, or capital punishment as it is otherwise known, is a topic that creates heated debate among both Christians and non-Christians. Among Christians there is no consensus about whether it is ever justified, and whether our governments should implement it or not. There are no clear trends in attitudes that can be attributed to Christians based on denomination or conservative or liberal beliefs. Whether or not Christians are for or against the death penalty seems to be more related to geography than anything else. Christians in the southern states of America tend to be pro capital punishment, whereas Christians from the northern states of America, Europe and Australia tend to be against capital punishment, although these trends are by no means universal. It's hard even to find trends in opinions of Christians from South America, Asia or Africa.