| - Name: Vesonius Primus Age: 32 Sex: male Faction: Roman - Palatine Caleguem Appearance: A short man, a man that lived in a rather simple lifestyle, dresses rather elborate. As a handsome face, often chased by temple priestesses. Personality: A Kind man when it suits his buisness needs. Can be rather competative with peers and other Capts. Occupation: Calegeum capt. Of the Palatine Hill, backs the Antonicus faction in the Senate, ally of Quintus Valgus Weapons: Usually bears no arms. Lets his two German bodyguards do the talking for him. Armour: no armour Clothing: Standard clothing of a wealthy merchant. Likes his purple robes, but can rarely afford them. History: Grew up on the Palatine hill. His father was a merchant, and help build a network of connections. His father however was a gambler and got into trouble, the Palatine Hill Cal. came to his fathers aide and helped him out. However his father continued to make un-wise investments, as he called them, that continued to keep him in debt to the caleguem. Young Primus joined the caleguem in order to help pay off his fathers debt. Primus had a remarkable skill at book keeping and record finding. He impressed the young captain at the time so he was forever part of the caleguem. In a food riot in 307 BC, the old captain was killed, and Primus was named to succeed him. Where he stands to this day as a Captain of the Palatine hills.