| - Commander Norman [to himself]: "They haven't got a chance. We've just got to sit here and wait for them to die." John [to himself]: "That's just what you might get." Scott: "Right, father." Alan: "OK, father." Virgil: "Sure thing, dad." Gordon: "Yeah, father." Jeff: "OK, Scott. Away you go. And keep in touch." Scott: "Yes sir." Jeff: "Well, Brains, your phenomenal mind made all this possible. Now you're going to see it in operation." Alan: "Good luck, Scott." Virgil: "Take it easy, Scott." Scott: "International Rescue Space Station. This is Thunderbird 1. Give me the low-down, John." John: "Thunderbird 1 from Space Station. They're trying to dislodge the bomb by aerobatics, but they're not having much success." Scott: "From what you say, John, we're the only ones that can save them. We'd better bring up our heavy equipment. It looks like we're gonna need it. I'll contact father on the TV portrait." [Scene cuts to Jeff Tracy's office. Scott's portrait is beeping.] Jeff: "Go ahead, Scott." Scott: "I'll be arriving at London Airport in 52 minutes. But it looks like I'll need heavy rescue." Jeff: "OK, Scott. I'll organise that right away. Virgil, away you go." Virgil: "Right, father." Assistant Controller: "Aircraft approaching from the east. Height 2,500 feet, speed 7... point 5 thousand miles per hour!" Commander Norman: "7,500 miles an hour? Have you gone crazy?" Commander Norman: "International Rescue? What is this?" Assistant Controller: "That must be the aircraft I just picked up." Commander Norman: "This I must see. International Rescue, you are cleared to land. Use runway two-nine." Scott [On monitor]: "Will not require runway. Coming in vertically." Scott: "London Tower from International Rescue. Now, listen carefully. I want men and transport to take my portable equipment to your control tower. And I want an assurance from you that you will place guards on my aircraft to ensure that no photographs are taken." Commander Norman: "International Rescue, please give me information about your organisation. We cannot grant facilities without knowing more details." Scott: "Look, there are 600 people up there with about 40 minutes to live! Now, you can't help them, but I believe we can. Now what's it gonna be?" Commander. Norman: "All right, International Rescue. But I just hope you know what you're doing." The Hood (to himself): "As I thought. International Rescue are arriving on the scene. Part two of my plan about to commence. Heh, heh, heh." Scott: "Now, let's recap. Fireflash has another thirty minutes before its radiation safety factor expires." Commander Norman: "Right." Scott: "Now, the specialised gear that I require for the rescue will be here in twenty minutes. Leaving us just ten minutes to put our rescue into operation. Thunderbird 2, this is Mobile Control. Confirm estimated time of arrival London Airport." Virgil: "OK, Scott. Arriving in nineteen and one half minutes from now." Scott [On radio]: "Now, as soon as you arrive, unload high-speed Elevator Car with two radio-controlled subsidiaries. Then, proceed to end of runway Two-Nine and report." Virgil: "Thunderbird 1, F.A.B." Scott: "Fireflash, this is International Rescue, Mobile Control. In approximately eighteen minutes from now, I will request you to land using runway two-nine. You are to come in with landing gear up. Repeat: landing gear up. Make a completely normal approach, and keep your head...." The Hood (to himself): Now, to make sure that no-one takes photographs of Thunderbird 1... except me, of course. Heh, heh, heh." Scott: "The Automatic Camera Detector! Quick, someone's photographing the instrument panel of Thunderbird 1! It's imperative that you get this man and stop him!" Commander Norman [Into radio.]: "Airport Police, this is the control tower. Someone is taking photographs inside the International Rescue aircraft. Grab him, and bring him in for questioning." Policeman [On radio.]: "London Tower from Airport Mobile Police. We have lost contact with pursued car. Vehicle was last seen turning onto M1, turning towards Birmingham." Commander Norman: "Message received and understood." [He turns to Scott.] "I'm sorry. We did our best." Scott: "OK, leave this to me." Scott: [over radio] "Mobile Control calling International Rescue, England." Lady Penelope: "International Rescue. Lady Penelope speaking." Scott: "Require your assistance. Man with photographic record of Thunderbird 1 proceeding along M1 motorway, in your direction. Car registration: 695 CMO. Over." Lady Penelope: "Mobile Control, F.A.B." (To herself:) "Oh dear, how inconvenient. Just as I'm expecting visitors. Three coach-loads, too.... Oh well." Parker: "You called, m'lady?" Lady Penelope: "Yes Parker. Get the Rolls-Royce. We are going for a little drive." Captain Hanson: "Mobile Control from Fireflash. We have only five minutes left. Unless you can start rescue operation immediately, we've had it." Scott: "Stand by, Fireflash. Thunderbird 2 from Mobile Control. Are you ready, Virgil?" Virgil: "Mobile Control and Fireflash. This is Thunderbird 2. I'm ready." Scott: "Control to Fireflash, commence your approach. And good luck. After acknowledgement of this transmission, do not make any further calls. Whatever happens, keep this frequency clear." Captain Hanson: "Roger, Control. Starting approach now." Assistant Controller: "Aircraft approaching glide path, five miles to threshold." Scott: "Stand by, Virgil. Fireflash on final approach." Scott [On radio.]: "Stand by, Virgil. Fireflash one and one half miles from threshold... one and one quarter miles from threshold... one mile from threshold. Start tracking." Virgil [On radio.] "OK, Fireflash, cut engines." Virgil: "I'm applying brakes down here." Commander Norman: "They made it. They made it!" [To Scott:] "Jolly good show, old boy!" [Scene cuts to motorway. The Hood looks in his mirror. Lady Penelope and Parker are in the pink Rolls-Royce, FAB 1, giving chasing. Scene cuts to FAB 1.] [Parker fires FAB 1's grille-mounted machine cannon. It catches the back end of the Hood's car. The Hood's car swerves, smashes through the road side barrier, rolls off the road, down the embankment, and finally explodes as it comes to rest.] THE END