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FASA Corporation was an American publisher of and Shadowrun and other games including BattleTech between 1980 and 2001. In Shadowrun, a tactical nuclear device was detonated near FASA's offices at 1100 West Cermak Road in Chicago, Illinois. The BattleTech and Shadowrun properties were sold to WizKids, who in turn licensed their publication to FanPro LLC.

  • FASA
  • FASA
  • FASA
  • FASA Corporation was an American publisher of and Shadowrun and other games including BattleTech between 1980 and 2001. In Shadowrun, a tactical nuclear device was detonated near FASA's offices at 1100 West Cermak Road in Chicago, Illinois. The BattleTech and Shadowrun properties were sold to WizKids, who in turn licensed their publication to FanPro LLC.
  • Notable titles published by FASA include the BattleTech (later MechWarrior) franchise, the Star Trek Role Playing Game, Shadowrun, and Crimson Skies. FASA unexpectedly ceased active operations on April 30, 2001, but still exists as a corporation holding intellectual property rights, which it licenses to other publishers.
  • FASA Corporation was an American publisher of role-playing games, wargames and boardgames between 1980 and 2001. Originally the name FASA was an acronym for "Freedonian Aeronautics and Space Administration", a joking allusion to the Marx Brothers film Duck Soup. This tongue-in-cheek attitude was carried over in humorous self-references in its games. For example, in Shadowrun, a tactical nuclear device was detonated near FASA's offices at 1026 W. Van Buren St in Chicago, Illinois.
  • FASA Corporation was an American publisher of role-playing games, wargames and board games between 1980 and 2001. Originally the name FASA was an acronym for "Freedonian Aeronautics and Space Administration", a joking allusion to the Marx Brothers film Duck Soup. This tongue-in-cheek attitude was carried over in humorous self-references in its games. For example, in Shadowrun, a tactical nuclear device was detonated near FASA's offices at 1026 W. Van Buren St in Chicago, Illinois.
  • right FASA Corporation — американская компания-издатель ролевых игр, варгеймов и настольных игр, основанная в 1980 году и прекратившая свою деятельность в 2001 году. Среди наиболее известных продуктов компании — игры BattleTech (и основанная на ней MechWarrior), Crimson Skies, Crucible: Conquest of the Final Realm, Doctor Who, Earthdawn, Renegade Legion, Shadowrun, Star Trek RPG, VOR the Maelstrom. В декабре 2007 года Джордан Вейсман объявил, что выкупил права на электронные версии игр MechWarrior, Shadowrun и Crimson Skies.
  • Conversely, information and designs from the FASA game have been influential in subsequent Star Trek novels, comics, and games. Despite the non-canonical nature of the game, content created by FASA designers has even influenced some elements in early canon Next Generation-era filmed Star Trek productions. FASA's Star Trek RPG, became a major competitor at the time to Task Force Games' Star Fleet Battles RPG, which, as the first of its kind, had started its releases a few years before FASA's.
  • FASA Corporation was an American publishing company that was licensed to create the first Star Trek RPG in the mid 1980s, usually by Guy McLimore and Greg Pohlein. The name "Fantasimulations Associates" appears in some products prior to 1986. When the company was formed in 1980, the acronym "FASA" came from an in-joke among its founders: the "Freedonian Air and Space Administration", but this was never used to represent the real-life company (it was used as an in-universe counterpart in some Traveller products). In 1981, when the company decided to expand beyond its Traveller license and develop its own products, a more professional-sounding "real name" ("Fantasimulations Associates") was invented. However, by 1986 it had become common enough for companies to be known only by initials or a
  • Die FASA Corporation (kurz: FASA, Akronym für Freedonian Aeronautics and Space Administration) war von 1982 bis 1992 der offizielle Lizenzinhaber der Star Trek-Spiele und berechtigt, Spielmaterial zu veröffentlichen. Der FASA-Verlag war vor allem bekannt für die BattleTech- und Shadowrun-Reihen. Die 1980 von Jordan Weisman and L. Ross Babcock III gegründetete Firma, die auch für Shadowrun und Battletech verantwortlich ist, existierte noch bis 2001.
  • 2001(xsd:integer)
  • Closed
  • 1980(xsd:integer)
Company Name
  • FASA Corporation
Key people
company logo
  • 250(xsd:integer)
  • FASA Corporation was an American publisher of and Shadowrun and other games including BattleTech between 1980 and 2001. In Shadowrun, a tactical nuclear device was detonated near FASA's offices at 1100 West Cermak Road in Chicago, Illinois. The BattleTech and Shadowrun properties were sold to WizKids, who in turn licensed their publication to FanPro LLC.
  • Die FASA Corporation (kurz: FASA, Akronym für Freedonian Aeronautics and Space Administration) war von 1982 bis 1992 der offizielle Lizenzinhaber der Star Trek-Spiele und berechtigt, Spielmaterial zu veröffentlichen. Der FASA-Verlag war vor allem bekannt für die BattleTech- und Shadowrun-Reihen. Eines der weniger Bekannten Produkte von FASA war das sogenannte "Star Trek: The Role Playing Game", welches 1983 erstmals veröffentlicht wurde. Das Regelwerk bezog sich fast ausschließlich auf die Materialien aus TOS und TAS, wobei neuere Informationen aus den folgenden Filmen später durch Regelergänzungen nachgeliefert wurden. Der dargestellte Inhalt der Rollenspielbücher war jeweils stark ergänzt worden, um die Spieler mit größeren Hintergrundinformationen zu versorgen, so dass nicht alle Inhalte bereits aus der Fernsehserie bekannt waren. Das Unternehmen wurde aktiv durch das Studio unterstützt, die die Autoren mit zuvor unveröffentlichten Informationen versorgten. Der Umfang der FASA-Produkte griff so weit, dass die ursprünglich als Rollenspielbücher ausgelegten Werke von Autoren verschiedener Romane als Referenzwerke eingesetzt wurden und viele Details sich in ihren Geschichten wiederfanden ("Die letzte Grenze", "Die Welten der Föderation"). Gleiches galt natürlich auch umgekehrt, wie zum Beispiel bei "Der letzte Schachzug". FASA schraubte die Produktion von neuen Büchern zurück, nachdem es Komplikationen mit der Veröffentlichung der Regelergänzung für TNG gab. Das sogenannte "Next Generation Officer's Manual" musste 1988 kurz nach der Auslieferung an die Buchläden wieder zurückgerufen werden, da die Lektoren des Studios den Inhalt noch nicht abgesegnet hatten. Dieser Vorfall führte zu sogenannten Canon-Regelung des Studios, dass Lizenznehmer sich nur noch auf Material beziehen durften, welches in den als canon angesehenen Serien etabliert wurde. Diese Regelung wurde von FASA durch das neue "TNG First Year Sourcebook" gleich umgesetzt, welches nur noch Material aus der 1. TNG-Staffel enthielt. Planungen für eine Regelergänzung zum fünften Film sowie Büchern zur 2. und 3. Staffel von TNG wurden nie realisiert. Ebenso konnte ein Blaupausenset der USS Enterprise-D von Ed Whitefire in Zusammenarbeit mit Andrew Probert nicht auf den Markt gebracht werden, da FASA die Lizenz ab 1989 nicht mehr ausnutzte und 1992 verlor. Die 1980 von Jordan Weisman and L. Ross Babcock III gegründetete Firma, die auch für Shadowrun und Battletech verantwortlich ist, existierte noch bis 2001.
  • Conversely, information and designs from the FASA game have been influential in subsequent Star Trek novels, comics, and games. Despite the non-canonical nature of the game, content created by FASA designers has even influenced some elements in early canon Next Generation-era filmed Star Trek productions. FASA's Star Trek RPG, became a major competitor at the time to Task Force Games' Star Fleet Battles RPG, which, as the first of its kind, had started its releases a few years before FASA's. FASA also produced four Star Trek "Micro-Adventure" games that incorporated some of the RPG's elements into smaller, less complex games. With the advent of Star Trek: The Next Generation in 1987, FASA geared up to incorporate the new production into their game frame work and released a season one supplemental sourcebook, Star Trek: The Next Generation Officer's Manual, published in 1988. FASA was already in the process of manufacturing accompanying gaming miniatures based on the production, when its contract with Paramount ended shortly thereafter due to licensing difficulties. FASA closed its doors around 2001 after twenty years in operation, but the creators continue to license new games based on earlier FASA releases. Meanwhile, Star Trek gaming has continued to evolve and been licensed to other companies including Last Unicorn Games, Decipher, and WizKids.
  • right FASA Corporation — американская компания-издатель ролевых игр, варгеймов и настольных игр, основанная в 1980 году и прекратившая свою деятельность в 2001 году. Среди наиболее известных продуктов компании — игры BattleTech (и основанная на ней MechWarrior), Crimson Skies, Crucible: Conquest of the Final Realm, Doctor Who, Earthdawn, Renegade Legion, Shadowrun, Star Trek RPG, VOR the Maelstrom. Название компании происходит от аббревиатуры шуточного названия «Freedonian Aeronautics and Space Administration» (дословно «Фридонийская администрация аэронавтики и космоса») из комедийного фильма 1933 года «Утиный суп». Название использовалось и внутри игр, издаваемых FASA: например, в Shadowrun около офиса FASA в Чикаго взрывалась атомная бомба. Компанию «FASA Corporation» основали в 1980 году Джордан Вейсман (Jordan Weisman) и Л. Росс Бабкок III (L. Ross Babcock III). Оба были участниками игровой компании во время учёбы в Американской академии гражданского флота. В 1985 году отец Джордана, Морт Вейсман (Mort Weisman) продал свою издательскую фирму «Swallow Press» и влил капитал в FASA, став коммерческим директором компании. В этот период FASA занималась выпуском по лицензии от GDW приложений к игре Traveller и наборов миниатюр, среди которых наиболее заметное место занимал «BattleTech». Позднее компания приобрела лицензию на выпуск ролевой игры по миру «Star Trek» и выпустила собственную игру Shadowrun. Ещё одним направлением работы FASA был выпуск видеоигр, для чего в 1995 году было основано отделение «FASA Interactive Technologies Inc» (в 1999 году продано Microsoft; Росс Бабкок ушёл из FASA вместе с этим отделением). В начале 2000-х годов деятельность компании была постепенно свёрнута. Джордан Вейсман ушёл из FASA в новую основанную им компанию «WizKids», а Морт Вейсман отошёл от дел в связи с пожилым возрастом. В апреле 2001 года FASA неожиданно объявила о прекращении деятельности. Вопреки существующему мнению, компания не обанкротилась и продолжает существовать как держатель прав. Лицензия на BattleTech и Shadowrun была продана «WizKids», от которой права перешли сначала «FanPro LLC», а затем «Catalyst Game Labs». Лицензия на Earthdawn также была продана WizKids, но затем вернулась к FASA. Компания «Living Room Games» выпустила вторую редакцию Earthdawn, а в настоящее время держателем лицензии является «RedBrick Limited». Права на Crimson Skies через отделение «FASA Interactive» перешли к Microsoft. Отделение игр компании FASA было официально закрыто в сентябре 2007 года. В декабре 2007 года Джордан Вейсман объявил, что выкупил права на электронные версии игр MechWarrior, Shadowrun и Crimson Skies.
  • Notable titles published by FASA include the BattleTech (later MechWarrior) franchise, the Star Trek Role Playing Game, Shadowrun, and Crimson Skies. FASA unexpectedly ceased active operations on April 30, 2001, but still exists as a corporation holding intellectual property rights, which it licenses to other publishers.
  • FASA Corporation was an American publisher of role-playing games, wargames and boardgames between 1980 and 2001. Originally the name FASA was an acronym for "Freedonian Aeronautics and Space Administration", a joking allusion to the Marx Brothers film Duck Soup. This tongue-in-cheek attitude was carried over in humorous self-references in its games. For example, in Shadowrun, a tactical nuclear device was detonated near FASA's offices at 1026 W. Van Buren St in Chicago, Illinois. FASA first appeared as a Traveller licensee, producing supplements for that GDW role-playing game, especially the work of the Keith Brothers. The company went on to establish itself as major gaming company with the publication of the first licensed Star Trek RPG, then several successful original games. Noteworthy lines included BattleTech and Shadowrun. Their Star Trek role-playing supplements and tactical ship game enjoyed popularity outside the wargaming community since, at the time, official descriptions of the Star Trek universe were not common, and the gaming supplements offered details fans craved. The highly successful BattleTech line led to a series of video games, some of the first virtual reality gaming suites, called Virtual World (created by a subdivision of the company known at the time of development as ESP, an acronym for "Extremely Secret Project") and a Saturday-morning animated TV series.
  • FASA Corporation was an American publishing company that was licensed to create the first Star Trek RPG in the mid 1980s, usually by Guy McLimore and Greg Pohlein. The name "Fantasimulations Associates" appears in some products prior to 1986. When the company was formed in 1980, the acronym "FASA" came from an in-joke among its founders: the "Freedonian Air and Space Administration", but this was never used to represent the real-life company (it was used as an in-universe counterpart in some Traveller products). In 1981, when the company decided to expand beyond its Traveller license and develop its own products, a more professional-sounding "real name" ("Fantasimulations Associates") was invented. However, by 1986 it had become common enough for companies to be known only by initials or acronyms that this was dropped entirely and the company simply went by "FASA Corp."
  • FASA Corporation was an American publisher of role-playing games, wargames and board games between 1980 and 2001. Originally the name FASA was an acronym for "Freedonian Aeronautics and Space Administration", a joking allusion to the Marx Brothers film Duck Soup. This tongue-in-cheek attitude was carried over in humorous self-references in its games. For example, in Shadowrun, a tactical nuclear device was detonated near FASA's offices at 1026 W. Van Buren St in Chicago, Illinois. FASA first appeared as a Traveller licensee, producing supplements for that GDW role-playing game, especially the work of the Keith Brothers. The company went on to establish itself as major gaming company with the publication of the first licensed Star Trek RPG, then several successful original games. Noteworthy lines included BattleTech and Shadowrun. Their Star Trek role-playing supplements and tactical ship game enjoyed popularity outside the wargaming community since, at the time, official descriptions of the Star Trek universe were not common, and the gaming supplements offered details fans craved. The highly successful BattleTech line led to a series of video games, some of the first virtual reality gaming suites, called Virtual World (created by a subdivision of the company known at the time of development as ESP, an acronym for "Extremely Secret Project") and a Saturday-morning animated TV series.
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