| - Rules: No rules. Anyone can nominate or be nominated. Superpower Holder: Spottedleaf (in the loungeroom) Mousefur: Leafpool's gone! D: Spiderleg: I know, right? Isn't it great? Spottedleaf: IT SUCKS! D: Ravenpaw: No it doesn't! It's wonderful! It feels great to be able to have silence! (silence) Ravenpaw: (sigh) That feels really good! Daisy: NUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! Rosepetal: Oh no. What is it. Daisy: I JUST REMEMBERED WE CAN ALL BE NOMINATED!!!! Runningwind: (gasp) NUUUUUUUUU! My love is in danger! D: Yellowfang: WOOOOOOOO! I CAN NOMINATE YOU! Graystripe: NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! (bursts in to tears) Ivypool: (puts paw on Graystripe's shoulder) It's okay, Graystripe! You might not be nominated! Runningwind: (glares furiously) How dare he steal my love? Graystripe: (sniffs) No, it's not that! Ivypool: Well, what is it, then? Graystripe: I... I dropped my chips! D: Ivypool: NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! (bursts in to tears) Rosepetal: This is so sad. I'm really upset. The poor chips. Nuuuuuu. They didn't deserve this. Spiderleg: Oh, for the love of- (backhands Rosepetal) SHOW EMOTION! Rosepetal: Nuuuuuuu. Daisy: How dare you backhand her? Spiderleg: How about I backhand you instead? Daisy: Well, I didn't say- Spiderleg: (backhands) Daisy: D: You monster! Yellowfang: YES! We should be best friends! (picks up Spiderleg and squeeze-hugs him) Spiderleg: Dude, what the (bleep)? Redtail: Awkward! Yellowfang: Oh, I'm sorry, I have no idea what came over me! D:Oh, how am I going to get out of this? Big Brother: It's time for nominations. Everyone to the lounge. Yellowfang: YES! Oh, I love you, Big Brother! Big Brother: Oh, dear StarClan, no! (vomits in to bucket) Redtail: HA! You just made things worse for yourself! Daisy: Yeah, sucked- Yellowfang: (knocks Daisy out with a steel chair) (in the lounge) Big Brother: Housemates, it's time to nominate. Remember, this week, all of you can nominate and can be nominated. Before we begin, Leafpool was evicted last night and she had a superpower to give out. Here she is. (Leafpool comes on to the screen. It is silent in the background.) Leafpool: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH, SILENCE! NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! Ferncloud: Crap. We'd better put music on. (they put music on) Leafpool: That's better! Lovely non-silence! I give my power to SPOTTEDLEAF! Spottedleaf: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! Big Brother: Spottedleaf, you now have the superpower. Before nominations begin, I have one more thing to reveal. From now on, the nominees will be known as the Unlucky Five. Yellowfang: What? You... You can't mean... No. Big Brother: Yes! From now on, there will be FIVE NOMINEES EACH WEEK! Mousefur: But what if there's a tie for the fifth? Big Brother: If a tie for fifth happens, then the housemates will vote for those cats in the tie only, and the cat with the most votes out of that is the final nominee. Graystripe: Oh. Big Brother: Spottedleaf, to the Diary Room. Everyone else, to the nominations room. (everyone leaves) (in the Diary Room) Big Brother: Spottedleaf, it's time to use your superpower. Spottedleaf: What is it? Big Brother: Instead of nominating 2 cats for 5 points, you can nominate 3 cats for 10! Spottedleaf: YAY! Big Brother: Nominate now. Spottedleaf: For 5 points I nominate RAVENPAW. He doesn't care that Leafpool's evicted and he's celebrating it! It's like he doesn't care about my feelings at all! Big Brother: Accepted. You have 5 points left. Spottedleaf: For 3 points I nominate GRAYSTRIPE. All he cares about is food and it's really annoying me. Like, after Leafpool was evicted, he didn't even say bye. He just asked her for her portion of food! Big Brother: Accepted. You have 2 points left. Spottedleaf: For 2 points I nominate SPIDERLEG for the same reason as Ravenpaw. He gets less points because he only did it once. Big Brother: Accepted. Go to the nominations room. Table: RAVENPAW 5 GRAYSTRIPE 3 SPIDERLEG 2 Daisy 0 Ivypool 0 Mousefur 0 Redtail 0 Rosepetal 0 Runningwind 0 Spottedleaf 0 Thornclaw 0 Yellowfang 0 (in the nominations room) (Spottedleaf enters) Spottedleaf: I'm back! Spiderleg: No one cares. Spottedleaf D: Big Brother: Ivypool, to the chamber. (Ivypool enters) Big Brother: Ivypool, nominate now. Ivypool: For 4 points I nominate MYSELF because I don't want to spend another moment in this house with Runningwind! Big Brother: Accepted. You have 1 point left. Ivypool: I nominate RUNNINGWIND for one point, just in case nominating myself doesn't work. Big Brother: Accepted. Table: RAVENPAW 5 IVYPOOL 4 GRAYSTRIPE 3 SPIDERLEG 2 RUNNINGWIND 1 Daisy 0 Mousefur 0 Redtail 0 Rosepetal 0 Spottedleaf 0 Thornclaw 0 Yellowfang 0 Big Brother: Mousefur, to the chamber. (Mousefur enters) Big Brother: Mousefur, nominate now. Mousefur: For 3 points I nominate DAISY because I don't think people see her as a threat, meaning they won't nominate her, which makes her a threat. Big Brother: Accepted. You have 2 points left. Mousefur: For 2 points I nominate SPOTTEDLEAF because she's spending all her time trying to prove that Thornclaw is the Mole, so she's not spending time with us. Big Brother: Accepted. Table: RAVENPAW 5 IVYPOOL 4 DAISY 3 GRAYSTRIPE 3 SPIDERLEG 2 SPOTTEDLEAF 2 Runningwind 1 Mousefur 0 Redtail 0 Rosepetal 0 Thornclaw 0 Yellowfang 0 Big Brother: Graystripe, to the chamber. (Graystripe enters) Big Brother: Graystripe, nominate now. Graystripe: For 4 points I nominate RUNNINGWIND for trying to dethrone me as king of food. Big Brother: How'd he do that? Graystripe: Found his cheeseburger faster than me in Week One. Big Brother: You still aren't over that? Meh, accepted. You have one point left. Graystripe: For one point I nominate ROSEPETAL. I find her incredibly boring. Big Brother: Accepted. Table: RAVENPAW 5 RUNNINGWIND 5 IVYPOOL 4 DAISY 3 GRAYSTRIPE 3 Spiderleg 2 Spottedleaf 2 Rosepetal 1 Mousefur 0 RedtaIl 0 Thornclaw 0 Yellowfang 0 Big Brother: Daisy, to the chamber. (Daisy enters) Big Brother: Daisy, nominate now. Daisy: For 4 points I nominate YELLOWFANG because she still isn't over that stupid mug! Big Brother: Accepted. You have 1 point left. Daisy: For 1 point I nominate SPIDERLEG. He might form an alliance with Yellowfang.. Big Brother: Accepted. Table: RAVENPAW 5 RUNNINGWIND 5 IVYPOOL 4 YELLOWFANG 4 DAISY 3 GRAYSTRIPE 3 SPIDERLEG 3 Spottedleaf 2 Rosepetal 1 Mousefur 0 Redtail 0 Thornclaw 0 Big Brother: Rosepetal, to the chamber. (Rosepetal enters) Big Brother: Rosepetal, nominate now. Rosepetal: For 3 points I nominate YELLOWFANG because I think she's going to target me. Big Brother: Accepted. You have 2 points left. Rosepetal: For 2 points I nominate MOUSEFUR because she doesn't talk much. Big Brother: Accepted. Table: YELLOWFANG 7 RAVENPAW 5 RUNNINGWIND 5 IVYPOOL 4 DAISY 3 GRAYSTRIPE 3 SPIDERLEG 3 Mousefur 2 Spottedleaf 2 Rosepetal 1 Redtail 0 Thornclaw 0 Big Brother: Runningwind, to the chamber. (Runningwind enters) Big Brother: Runningwind, nominate now. Runningwind: For 4 points I nominate GRAYSTRIPE for trying to steal my love and accusing me of being the Mole! Big Brother: Accepted. You have 1 point left. Runningwind: 1 point to REDTAIL because he's crazy! Big Brother: Accepted. Table: GRAYSTRIPE 7 YELLOWFANG 7 RAVENPAW 5 RUNNINGWIND 5 IVYPOOL 4 Daisy 3 Spiderleg 3 Mousefur 2 Spottedleaf 2 Redtail 1 Rosepetal 1 Thornclaw 0 Big Brother: Ravenpaw, to the chamber. (Ravenpaw enters) Big Brother: Ravenpaw, nominate now. Ravenpaw: For 4 points I nominate REDTAIL because I don't like him. Big Brother: Why? Ravenpaw: Because he's crazy. Big Brother: Accepted. You have 1 point left. Ravenpaw: For 1 point I nominate DAISY because I'm tired of her sucking at everything. I mean, Yellowfang goes to hit her in the face with a chair and she doesn't even try to block it! What a loser. Big Brother: Accepted. Table: GRAYSTRIPE 7 YELLOWFANG 7 RAVENPAW 5 REDTAIL 5 RUNNINGWIND 5 Daisy 4 Ivypool 4 Spiderleg 3 Mousefur 2 Spottedleaf 2 Rosepetal 1 Thornclaw 0 Big Brother: Redtail, to the chamber. (Redtail enters) Big Brother: Redtail, nominate now. Redtail: For 4 points I nominate RAVENPAW because he's mean and rude. Big Brother: Accepted. You have 1 point left. Redtail: 1 point to- REDTAIL IS A REDTAIL OF RED TAILS! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA! Big Brother: Yourself? Okay. Redtail: NUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! TAKE IT OFF! D: Big Brother: Too late. Already accepted. Redtail: NUUUUUUUUUUUUU! Table: RAVENPAW 9 GRAYSTRIPE 7 YELLOWFANG 7 REDTAIL 6 RUNNINGWIND 5 Daisy 4 Ivypool 4 Spiderleg 3 Mousefur 2 Spottedleaf 2 Rosepetal 1 Thornclaw 0 Big Brother: Spiderleg, to the chamber. (Spiderleg enters) Big Brother: Spiderleg, nominate now. Spiderleg: For 4 points I nominate DAISY. I HATE HER! Big Brother: Accepted. You have 1 point left. Spiderleg: 1 point to RUNNINGWIND because that cat is just plain creepy! Big Brother: Accepted. Table: RAVENPAW 9 DAISY 8 GRAYSTRIPE 7 YELLOWFANG 7 REDTAIL 6 RUNNINGWIND 6 Ivypool 4 Spiderleg 3 Mousefur 2 Spottedleaf 2 Rosepetal 1 Thornclaw 0 Big Brother: And finally, Thornclaw, to the chamber. (Thornclaw enters) Big Brother: Thornclaw, nominate now. Thornclaw: For 3 points I nominate REDTAIL because he's just mental! Big Brother: Accepted. You have 2 points left. Thornclaw: For 2 points I nominate RUNNINGWIND for being a stalker-kitty. Big Brother: Accepted. Nominations are over. All cats to the lounge. FINAL TABLE: RAVENPAW 9 REDTAIL 9 DAISY 8 RUNNINGWIND 8 Ivypool 4 Spiderleg 3 Mousefur 2 Spottedleaf 2 Rosepetal 1 Thornclaw 0 (in the lounge) Big Brother: Housemates, as you know, Spottedleaf. had the superpower. Her power was she could nominate three cats for ten points instead of two for five. Housemates: LE GASP! Big Brother: I will now reveal the cats nominated and the number of points they received. On 9 points, RAVENPAW. Ravenpaw: REDTAIL! D: Big Brother: On 9 points, REDTAIL. Redtail: RAVENPAW! D: Big Brother: On 8 points, DAISY. Yellowfang: WOOHOO! Rosepetal: Nuuuuu. Daisy: NUUUUUUU! Big Brother: On 8 points, RUNNINGWIND! Runningwind: NUUUUUUUUUUUU! I COULD BE SEPARATED FROM MY LOVE! D: Big Brother: And it seems we have a tie for fifth! On 7 points are GRAYSTRIPE AND YELLOWFANG! Graystripe: NUUUUUUUUUUUUU! Yellowfang: NUUUUUUUUUUU! Daisy: YE- Yellowfang: (glares) Daisy: I mean, NUUUUUUUUUUUU! Big Brother: So, this means it comes down to a vote! Paws up if you want Graystripe nominated. Everyone but Graystripe, Daisy and Rosepetal: (puts paw up) Big Brother: Paws up if you want Yellowfang nominated. Graystripe, Daisy and Rosepetal: (puts paw up) Big Brother: It's settled. Graystripe will be the final nominee. Graystripe: NUUUUUUUUUUUU! Now I have to eat my "ANGRY" food. (Graystripe runs to the Angry food pile. There is nothing.) Graystripe: NUUUUUUU! Now I have to eat my "SAD" food. (Graystripe runs to the Sad food pile. There is nothing.) Graystripe: NUUUUUUUUU! Now I have to eat my "SO DEPRESSED I'M SUICIDAL" food. (Graystripe runs to the So Depressed I'm Suicidal food pile. There is nothing.) Graystripe: NUUUUUUUUUUUU! (grabs gun) Everyone: GRAYSTRIPE, DON'T! Big Brother: I'd like to point out that these nominations ARE NOT final. Tomorrow, the Mole is revealed! Graystripe: Oh. (puts down gun) Yellowfang: Graystripe, that wasn;t funny! Daisy: Yeah! That's just rude and scary! Graystripe: OH, SHUT UP! Just because you hate Tim Tams! (runs off to bedroom) Spottedleaf: What does Tim Tams have to do with any of this?