Tundra Dowmeia was the Quarren senator of Mon Cala during the Clone Wars, replacing Senator Tikkes in the Republic Senate after his defection to the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Dowmeia was later replaced by the Mon Calamari Meena Tills.
Tundra Dowmeia egy férfi quarren volt, a Mon Calamari szenátora. Családjának volt egy nagy vízalatti birtoka a Mon Calamarin.
Tundra Dowmeia was the Quarren senator of Mon Cala during the Clone Wars, replacing Senator Tikkes in the Republic Senate after his defection to the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Dowmeia was later replaced by the Mon Calamari Meena Tills.
[Source] Tundra Dowmeia était un Quarren de Mon Calamari, sénateur du secteur Calamari au Sénat Galactique pendant la Guerre des Clones avec Meena Tills.
Tundra Dowmeia egy férfi quarren volt, a Mon Calamari szenátora. Családjának volt egy nagy vízalatti birtoka a Mon Calamarin.
Tundra Dowmeia was the Quarren senator of Mon Cala during the Clone Wars, replacing Senator Tikkes in the Republic Senate after his defection to the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Dowmeia was later replaced by the Mon Calamari Meena Tills.
[Source] Tundra Dowmeia était un Quarren de Mon Calamari, sénateur du secteur Calamari au Sénat Galactique pendant la Guerre des Clones avec Meena Tills.