| - The Praecursors, also known as the Celestials, Architects, Gods, and later, the Ascended, were an ancient and technologically advanced species, capable of extensive extragalactic travel, the creation powerful superweapons, and were believed to possess unrivaled understanding of the universe. It is unknown when the Praecursors visited the galaxy, although it is widely believed that the Tellus are their genetic descendants.
| - The Praecursors, also known as the Celestials, Architects, Gods, and later, the Ascended, were an ancient and technologically advanced species, capable of extensive extragalactic travel, the creation powerful superweapons, and were believed to possess unrivaled understanding of the universe. It is unknown when the Praecursors visited the galaxy, although it is widely believed that the Tellus are their genetic descendants. Very little is known of the Praecusor society and culture, as the vast majority had departed from the galaxy before the dawn of most modern galactic civilizations. It is unknown why some were left behind, but of the Praecusors that had remained, they had left an irreversible impression on the galaxy in the form of three famous civil wars. The Praecusors were known to exhibit exception abilities foreign to the galaxy, including telekinesis, telepathy, precognition, rapid healing, transvection, energy manipulation, biological immortality and extraordinary physiological traits. For this reason, many of the Praecusors, particularly after their division into pantheons, were regarded as gods up until their self-extinction, and eventual rebirth via their genetic descendants, the Tellus.