| - Leapers are a strain of Chimera that are a byproduct of a Crawler's failure to find a suitable host form, looking like a mix between a lizard and a scorpion.
- Leapers were insects from Karra.
- Leapers are small, reptilian creatures. They have long, thin legs used for jumping, sharp claws and teeth used to attack the player, and muscles made for agility. They make their first appearance in Turok: Dinosaur Hunter and are also featured in Turok 2: Seeds of Evil. In Dinosaur Hunter, there are three types of Leaper: infant, adolescent, and adult. All three types behave the same with adults being able to jump farther and do more damage. A fourth type of Leaper is seen guarding the fourth Chronoscepter piece. They have a darker skin tone and can withstand more damage than regular Leapers.
- Leapers are Necromorphs appearing in almost all the Dead Space series, with the ability to leap long distances toward their prey. Sporting razor-sharp fangs, along with a long scythe-tipped tail made from the victim's intestines and legs, they are extremely deadly foes.
- Il leaper è un necromorfo particolare, forse uno dei più disgustosi fra quelli che troveremo nella Ishimura.
- A Leaper is an enemy creature found in 600 A.D. in Chrono Trigger.
- Leapers use an attack similar to the Barbarian's Leap Attack. Sometimes it can be time-consuming to take out Leapers because they get knocked back when they are struck. Players can use Cold attacks to freeze Leapers in place while they attack them. Area effect spells can also help against Leapers. Leapers have a chance to deal Poison damage in Nightmare and Hell Difficulty. In Hell difficulty, Sand Leapers and Tomb Creepers are immune to Fire, Cave Leapers to Cold, and Tree Lurkers and Cliff Lurkers to Lightning. When using a Necromancer, these creatures cannot be Revived.
- Si le Leaper n'a que deux bras pour se déplacer, ceci n'en fait pas le nécromorphe le plus lent. Bien au contraire, il est l'un des plus rapides. Tentez de vous échapper à la course et il vous rattrapera facilement. Aussi, les Leapers sont capables de se déplacer facilement en zéro-gravité et peuvent vous tendre quelques embuscades. Par contre, leur vitesse à un prix : ils ne sont pas très résistants. La plupart du temps, ils se déplacent seuls ou en petits groupes accompagnés de Lurkers dans les endroits zéro-gravité. Il est rare de les trouver accompagnés de Slashers. Le Leaper à une forme améliorée qu'on peut facilement distinguer par sa couleur noire et ses yeux jaunes brillants.