| - In 1000 BBY, a lightsaber duel was fought on the planet Lehon between two Dark Lords of the Sith: the Twi'lek Blademaster Kas'im and his former apprentice, Darth Bane. Kas'im followed Bane to Lehon and found him in the Rakatan Temple of the Ancients, where he presented the Human with the choice of either rejoining the Brotherhood of Darkness to which Bane had once belonged, or making Lehon his final resting place. When Bane refused, an intense lightsaber duel ensued. Bane, who was considerably stronger in the Force, maintained the offensive in the beginning of the duel. The tide turned when Kas'im split his double-bladed lightsaber into two separate weapons and attacked his opponent with a previously unrealized degree of ferocity. Bane was forced onto the defensive, and was just barely able to maneuver his way out of the temple before Kas'im blasted him with a wave of Force energy. Bane reciprocated the attack, and Kas'im absorbed its brunt by shielding himself with the Force. The temple entrance in which Kas'im stood, however, was obliterated by Bane's exertion, and the Twi'lek was unable to avoid being crushed to death under the tons of rubble that fell upon him. (Read more…) Recently featured: Relin Druur – Lens Reekeene – Boz Pity