I promise now your work is done. But, c'mon, wasn't that a little fun? If a wish is what you want to find, you must speak to all the skulls that number nine.
You heard exactly what I said. Bring me a Joke-O-Lantern's head.
Sorry, but I changed my mind. A Bloodsucker wing is what you must find.
Thanks for doing what you had to do. Now you must find Wishing Skull #2.
I told you what you need to bring. Get me a Bloodsucker's wing.
Hurry up and do not fail. Bring me the tip of a Spooka's tail.
You have done extremely well. Now bring that head to where I dwell.
If a wish is what you desire, then a Joke-O-Lantern head is what I require.
You're very good, that much is clear. Now bring that tail back over here.
The end of your quest is almost near. Bring that wing back over here.