| - Born Cortaan Maktara Yulan on the planet of Kuat to a family of ship builders, Cortaan's upbringing would consist of anything but an average life. His father, Juocaan Yulan, a native to the planet of Bpfassh, was a project manager of countless ships at the Kuat Drive Yards. His mother, Marith Cortaan, also a native to Bpfassh, cared for the home and shopped for any needed supplies. During his young childhood, Cortaan would spend most of his time roaming with his friends about the streets of Kuat City causing all sorts of mischief. Though young, he had developed quite the criminal record, having stolen from many shops a countless number of times and even went as far as stealing credits from those who were least suspecting.
| - Born Cortaan Maktara Yulan on the planet of Kuat to a family of ship builders, Cortaan's upbringing would consist of anything but an average life. His father, Juocaan Yulan, a native to the planet of Bpfassh, was a project manager of countless ships at the Kuat Drive Yards. His mother, Marith Cortaan, also a native to Bpfassh, cared for the home and shopped for any needed supplies. During his young childhood, Cortaan would spend most of his time roaming with his friends about the streets of Kuat City causing all sorts of mischief. Though young, he had developed quite the criminal record, having stolen from many shops a countless number of times and even went as far as stealing credits from those who were least suspecting. At the age of 14, his father had had enough of his son's brash behavior and put him to work alongside him in the shipyards. At first, Cortaan did not take his punishment lightly, slacking off whenever he could and making enough minor "mistakes" that would eventually turn into major problems. But, despite the loss of time, his father kept him on the force and Cortaan would eventually grow somewhat fond of the operation. By the age of 16, his crime rate had essentially dropped to zero as he now spent most of his free time tinkering with gadgets in his room and even designing his own ships. One such design sparked the interest of his father who then set up a small side-project for his son's design to become a reality. The result was a small, single-seater starship capable of interplanetary travel that was equipped with shields and standard blaster canons hidden in the design. He would soon after teach his son to fly in their personal ship before allowing him inside the single-seater, but that didn't keep Cortaan from trying to get inside and fiddle with some of the controls. During one instance while on break, he mistakenly set off the blaster canons which ignited a brief chain-reaction of explosions and collapsing metal from a small amount of the machines used in the building process. Infuriated, having taken a big hit from his superiors, his father banned him from ever setting foot in the starship again, also hinting that his son would be working his rear-off like no tomorrow to help pay off the damages. Cortaan, though very knowledgeable about the mistake he made, thought his father's decision was unjust and overly harsh. A ship of his own design was now forever off limits to him. Redemption did not even seem to be an option at this point. Cortaan retaliated. He no longer cared about the job he had at hand. He fled his home, he fled his family, he fled all that he had. His only accomplice he took along with him was an old B1 battle droid he had found in a junkyard years before which he had pieced together and activated himself. Taking a couple of his father's blasters that were hidden for emergency situations, he equipped both himself and the droid and then set off while his parents were out. His destination? Anywhere but Kuat. All he needed was a starship, and thanks to his father's teachings, he could get behind the controls of just about any ship with ease. However ... he didn't want any old starship ... he wanted his. Getting to the ship would be quite the easy task. Because of the mass amounts of workers constantly going to and from the the orbital shipyards, he would be able to make his way between docking ports with little to no chance of being recognized. His droid would also make it through without issue as droids of all sorts traveled between the shipyards as well. Upon arriving, he quickly located his ship which thankfully had not been moved. He then had his droid fold into its de-active mode and fitted it within the small storage compartment. Because of the mass amounts of workers, they paid him no mind as he fired it up and made a successful departure. Never before had he left his home planet, and never had he gone any further then the outer border of the shipyards. He proceeded away from Kuat as he watched it shrink in the distance, knowing now for certain that this was exactly what he wanted to do.