| - Originally a Song Magic that was developed by Chimon as part of the means they intended to use for the implementation of their Save Bezel Project, it ended being Zill's final invention and method to carry out her ultimate goals: forcing humanity to fuse in order to usher in a new era by creating the Overseer, a creature that had the power to Oversee the Seven Dimensions, making it even more powerful than EXA_PICO itself. However, it does this by ripping out the souls of everyone who listens to this Song, eliminates the walls separating the souls from each other by erasing their Qualia, and fuses them all into a single being. Additionally, listening to this Song produces severe discomfort, splitting headaches and loss of consciousness due to its soul-removing effects, and while some people are able to resist it better than others, ultimately those that listen to it for a few minutes will die. This Song started as a ClassDrive library program that Zill first used in Ciel nosurge: Ushinawareta Hoshi e Sasagu Uta's final episode in order to accomplish her goals, as well as forcing humanity to give up the energy that was needed to migrate to the new planet after Nero sabotaged the Ra Ciel Fuser and took Ion with her in a leap to 5000 years in the future using the Micro Quasar's energy as her source of power, rendering the people in the Hymmnesphere unable to use Song Magic due to the loss of the Cielnotron Server's core, and leaving them without their power source and without the Oversight power. Nay filled in Ion's position as Empress, and she and all their friends tried to convince the people to provide them with the energy they needed to open up the quantum window to the new planet by praying together and Chaining with them through their Trons, but this proved futile because the people were closed off to each other. So when Zill and her cohorts started singing this Song, Sarly was shocked to see how the energy levels peaked so fast they had enough energy for the migration after a few minutes, though this was in exchange for the death of several people. Sarly, Cass and Tabou did the best they could to stall Zill, until Nay stormed into the room and blasted Zill with her Song Magic, stopping the Song and allowing Renall to order her immediate detention. However, this also caused them to lose the energy they just gathered and left them unable to move to the new planet, so they decided to move themselves and the people to Soreil, and they entered cryostasis so they could catch up with Ion and Nero in the future, leaving only Shirotaka and Renall in the Hymmnesphere. 5000 years later, during the time the events of Ar nosurge: Ode to an Unborn Star take place, this Song was repurposed and made into a Cieln so it could take advantage of the capabilities of the Surge Concerto Terminal to draw energy from other dimensions. However, its base effects are still the same: rip out the souls from the listeners, eliminate their individuality and force them to fuse in order to form a being that can Oversee the Seven Dimensions. It also works at a much higher level of efficiency because it no longer depends on the singer's own power, as the Surge Concerto Terminal and the Ar nosurge Tube provide the energy it needs to work, making it the most extreme and brutal of the Nosurge songs, capable of even destroying the entire world. The Cieln version was Downloaded into Prim, who after being convinced by Nero and Zill that this was the correct way to purify the Demon Hearts dwelling in the humans, she used it to create two Eight-Dimensionals when Nero rescued her from Felion: the first one was right as she was being pursued by Delta and Cass, while the second was created from the souls of the Genomis members that went to investigate the Isolation Residential District, so its creation also resulted in the near-annihilation of the group. Later on, Zill, Nero and Prim lured Ion into a trap, and Prim sang this Song to absorb her and Nero into the Maternal Overseer: an evolved version of the Eight-Dimensional that had Zill as its core. Luckily, they were stopped by Cass' singing of Class::EXPAJA;, which released Ion and Nero from the grasp of the Maternal Overseer, but because Prim continued singing this Song and made it fight against Cass', it was impossible to break the fusion, and this forced them to retreat. Finally, when Ion was preparing to sing Ra Ciel Reincarnation at the Singing Hill along with everyone living in Soreil, Prim appeared once again, now fully under the control of the player that was manipulating her through Interdimend, and after mocking Ion about how using the Spherial Rings allowed her to proceed with her plans, she used a REON-4213 command to fuse the remains of the Maternal Overseer with the entirety of Soreil, giving birth to the ultimate Overseer monster SOREIL. Not having enough with this, she then began singing this Song again to force Ion to fuse with it and gain full control of her Oversight power after it had absorbed Nero, as the player's plans were using it to send Nero back to her world just to complete the game in a 100%. While Ion was absorbed despite the fact she was able to resist the Song for some time, she was later on released thanks to the people, Delta and Cass; and she and Earthes proceeded to fight it while Ion continued singing to recreate Ra Ciela, until they finally could defeat SOREIL and return the ship to its normal state, though the cost of this was high, as Prim died from the wounds she sustained. It should be noted though, that the reason for the Cieln version of this Song having such a tremendous contrast of feelings, as well as its constant change in sound and interruptions by white noise and static, is because Prim doesn't want to go along with the plans of the player controlling her, and thus she is fighting against them inside her own mind. The white noise and static represents this inner fight, and the feelings that are actually expressed on the Song are those that emerge victorious in each particular section, which is why there is so much difference in the ideas expressed in each of them. Additionally, this internal discord is what kept the Song from manifesting the 100% of its power, as if Prim hadn't been supporting both parties in this way, the SOREIL would have been invincible and they would never be able to defeat it no matter how much they fought.