| - Spell resistance (SR) is a special defensive ability that allows a creature or item to resist the effects of spells and spell-like abilities. Essentially it is an amount of armor class against spells.
- Spell resistance is the equivalent of armor versus spells. A caster level check (1d20 + caster level) must meet or beat your spell resistance or the spell has no effect, however, not all spells have to overcome spell resistance.
- Spell resistance (SR) is a special defense against some spells, akin in some ways to armor class. When a spell that checks spell resistance (as indicated in the spell's description) is cast against a creature with spell resistance, there is a chance for the spell to simply not affect that creature based on the creature's numeric spell resistance rating (but it may still affect other creatures, if applicable). d20 + caster level + spell penetration vs. SR
- Giants, dragons and possibly trolls have considerable spell resistance due to thick hides that repel all but the most concentrated and powerful spells, although they are still vulnerable to attacks on their eyes such as the Conjunctivitis Curse, possibly owing to the eyes being weak. This attribute is also shared with Half-giants, such as Rubeus Hagrid, who was able to resist stunning in 1996, although to what extent Half-giants can resist is unknown. Shield Hats, Cloaks, and Gloves also protect the wearer from minor to moderate hexes and jinxes, but would provide little defence against the Unforgivable Curses.
| - Spell resistance (SR) is a special defensive ability that allows a creature or item to resist the effects of spells and spell-like abilities. Essentially it is an amount of armor class against spells.
- Spell resistance (SR) is a special defense against some spells, akin in some ways to armor class. When a spell that checks spell resistance (as indicated in the spell's description) is cast against a creature with spell resistance, there is a chance for the spell to simply not affect that creature based on the creature's numeric spell resistance rating (but it may still affect other creatures, if applicable). While the numeric rating is the defense called "spell resistance", a spell resistance check actually involves three defenses. The defenses in the order they are checked are spell level absorption (mantles), spell immunity, then spell resistance. That is, a spell that does not check spell resistance is not affected by any of these defenses. Furthermore, spell resistance is usually limited to standard spells, as other abilities usually bypass these defenses, even if the script attempts to test them (the relevant command returns "invalid"). The abilities that bypass spell resistance are generally monster abilities, item powers, and feats—including feats that mimic spells—but more precisely this is controlled by the "UserType" column in <a href="/mediawiki/Spells.2da" title="Spells.2da">spells.2da</a> (which might not perfectly match player perceptions). Two abilities that do respect spell resistance are hell inferno and planar rift. The third part of a spell resistance check — the part called "spell resistance" — is a die roll. Each creature has a numeric spell resistance rating, and if this rating is positive, the caster rolls a d20. To this is added the caster level and the modifier from spell penetration, greater spell penetration, or epic spell penetration (+2, +4, or +6, respectively). For this check, special abilities use a caster level of 2×innate level − 1 instead of the caster level specified in the Toolset. If the modified die roll is less than the spell resistance rating, the spell does not affect that creature. d20 + caster level + spell penetration vs. SR For a level 40 caster, the maximum possible roll is 66, meaning a spell resistance of 67 renders a creature immune to PC-cast spells that check spell resistance. One peculiarity of the order of these checks is that spell level absorption is checked first, so spell mantles can be stripped away by spells that would have been stopped by spell immunity or spell resistance. While this is a suboptimal usage of defenses, it might in fact be the intended correct behavior. (A mantle is described as a barrier around a creature, while immunity and spell resistance are often properties of the creature. Hence a spell would have to get through the mantle before it could interact with spell resistance and immunity.) Due to game limitations, spell resistance checks try to resist the most recently cast spell of the caster (or creature causing the spell resistance save as in planar rift). As a result, persistent spells (those that can initiate effects after some time has passed) may fail to register as the correct spell in the spell resistance check.
- Giants, dragons and possibly trolls have considerable spell resistance due to thick hides that repel all but the most concentrated and powerful spells, although they are still vulnerable to attacks on their eyes such as the Conjunctivitis Curse, possibly owing to the eyes being weak. This attribute is also shared with Half-giants, such as Rubeus Hagrid, who was able to resist stunning in 1996, although to what extent Half-giants can resist is unknown. Shield Hats, Cloaks, and Gloves also protect the wearer from minor to moderate hexes and jinxes, but would provide little defence against the Unforgivable Curses. It is doubtful whether all spells could be resisted by a person of wizard blood only, such as the Stunning Spell, or any number of hexes and jinxes. The natural resistance to certain spells is among the information contained on creatures in the Folio Bruti. This is measured by a series of bars, one each for each combative spell being assessed by the book. The further to the right the bar is, the weaker that creature's resistance to that spell. Natural spell resistance can be overcome by shrinking a creature using a Shrinking Solution.
- Spell resistance is the equivalent of armor versus spells. A caster level check (1d20 + caster level) must meet or beat your spell resistance or the spell has no effect, however, not all spells have to overcome spell resistance.