| - Our Argonian friends are keen on obtaining parts of smaller serpents when they travel far from their backwaters or do not have time to seek the grass snakes that slither across our plains. But many different races are just as interested in the beneficial properties of snake parts. It is important to differentiate between common snake parts and those from the more gigantic specimens. When sections of a normal-sized snake yield some recompense, more considerable sums are available to those who have cleanly divided the parts of a giant snake for hunting profit. While venom of certain serpents makes an excellent poison, this classification is purely focuses on the eyes, tail, and tongue of a snake. When slicing the tail from a giant snake, measure at least three hands up from the tip; anything without internal organs spilling out is what we are after. Cut the tongue halfway down the gullet for best prices. When gouging the eyes, it is best to slay the slithering beast first, as inadvertent cuts into the eyeball drop the price precipitously. To those with murder on their addled minds: only the simpleton would attempt to slice an Argonian and sell their tail, eyes, and tongue for profit. Aside from the tests we administer to confirm the quality of our parts, a mere glance at the appendages allows anyone with a passing knowledge of anatomy to discern when a particularly crude deception is being made. Therefore, unless you wish to spend a month in jail, or have a more violent conclusion to your ruse, save the lizard slicing for the peddlers of Sentinel.