| - Troutkit was sitting outside of the nursery, trying to keep still. His mother had told him to stay outside for the kitting. She was inside helping Redbreeze kit. He desperately wanted to be in there to see, but Robinwhisker had insisted that Brookwhisper and Sandfeather needed some space. A small whimper sounded from inside the nursery, and Troutpaw jumped up, peering into the darkness to see what was going on. "Hey, kit." The small gray tom whirled around. "Hi, Rainsplash!" He squealed, purring slightly, "Is Redbreeze going to be okay?" Riverpelt stalked up from behind her, "I'm sure Redbreeze will be fine," he rumbled, "Don't you worry, Troutkit." His father licked Troutkit on the forehead. Troutkit stared nervously into the nursery, "Robinwhisker said that Redbreeze was kind of sick when she started kitting. Then she shooed me out." Rainsplash curled her tail around Troutkit and purred, "Redbreeze is a strong she-cat. Soon, you'll have a new denmate to play with." "Or two." Riverpelt agreed. "I can't wait!" Troutkit squealed. Before his father or Rainsplash could stop him, he dashed for the nursery entrance. "Troutkit!" He heard his father shout, but he ignored it. He burst through the ferns covering the entrance and saw Redbreeze lying in her nest, panting. Brookwhisper was next to the queen, whispering encouragements. The queen let out another moan, and there was a small, orange blob near her belly. A kit? Troutkit trotted closer, but teeth grabbed at his scruff. "Hey!" His father dropped him and glared down at him, "Don't bother the medicine cats," he scolded, "Kitting is a very important thing." Troutkit deflated, "But I want to meet my new denmate!" He pointed with his tail at the small kitten at Redbreeze's belly. "You're only two weeks old," his father muttered, "You can handle sitting outside the nursery." "Aw but she's done kitting!" Brookwhisper looked up, "Oh hello, Troutkit. I'm afraid you'll need to wait a bit longer outside." Robinwhisker heard and stared sternly at her kit. "Troutkit!" She sighed, "Go outside, I promise you'll be able to see the kit soon." "Is she named yet?" Troutkit asked as he was being dragged away. His father plopped him outside. "Stay. Here." He ordered. Sighing, Troutkit sat down and waited impatiently for the kitting to be down. Moments later, Brookwhisper pushed her way out and talked to Riverpelt in a quiet voice. Not turning to look at Troutkit, his father called out, "Stay there, Troutkit." With that said, he nodded to Brookwhisper and Sandfeather and thrust his way in. "Rainsplash," Troutkit turned to the older she-cat, "Is Redbreeze alright?" "I don't know," the light gray she-cat glanced at the nursery, "Let's just wait here, okay?" "Okay." Troutkit waited, his time slightly in dread. Redbreeze's mate, Smokepelt had died awhile back in a fight against some brutal rogues. Riverpelt came back out, carrying Redbreeze's body. Troutkit blinked, and Rainsplash guided him towards the nursery. "You can go see your new denmate now." Troutkit stared at his father for a moment longer, then ducked in. "Robinwhisker?" He called out nervously. "Here, Troutkit." He darted to his mother's side and found the little kitten at her belly, "What's going on, Robinwhisker? Is Redbreeze...?" "She's dead," his mother said softly, "She died while kitting. This, is Flamekit." She pointed at the kit, "You'll be like her sister, alright?" "Are you going to tell her who her real mother is?" "When she's older," Robinwhisker nodded, "But for now, be nice to her, okay?" "Okay," Troutkit agreed, looking down at Flamekit.