| - Lobott, the main language of the Lobott Department, is near-identical to real-world English. There are however many small differences, such as:
* Lighthouses are called nighthouses
* Urchin instead of hedgehog
* Evening fall/sunset is often called "evenfall." Evening = even
* The word shark comes from the peninsula of Shareyq in Sarpland
* The word curry comes from the Sarplander tribe of Currey
* Probably the most annoying, and most common difference is the use of the words "finded," "finder," and "finding," which replace "founded," "founder," and "founding." "Foundational" is used instead of "findational," however. That would be silly!
* Earthquakes are called "dragonstirs"
* Wizard is spelled "wyzard" in Lobott.
* Blood diamonds are called frog diamon
| - Lobott, the main language of the Lobott Department, is near-identical to real-world English. There are however many small differences, such as:
* Lighthouses are called nighthouses
* Urchin instead of hedgehog
* Evening fall/sunset is often called "evenfall." Evening = even
* The word shark comes from the peninsula of Shareyq in Sarpland
* The word curry comes from the Sarplander tribe of Currey
* Probably the most annoying, and most common difference is the use of the words "finded," "finder," and "finding," which replace "founded," "founder," and "founding." "Foundational" is used instead of "findational," however. That would be silly!
* Earthquakes are called "dragonstirs"
* Wizard is spelled "wyzard" in Lobott.
* Blood diamonds are called frog diamonds.
* Magic is "magicks," much as American "math" is British "maths." Similarly, mathematics is "mathematicks."
* Pineapples are "ananas."
* Squids are always called "krakens."
* The plural of octopus is "octopodes."
* Lice Lords intentionally spell "pirate" as "pyrate," also pronouncing the word a bit like "Pilat" instead of a bit like "Eye Rat."
* Lich is spelled "lych"
* Raccoons are called "washbears"
* Red Pandas are called "bearcats"
* Pandas are called "zebra bears"
* Orcas are called "zebra whales"
* Banded sea-kraits are called "zebra snakes"
* Bats are called "nightflyers"
* Tasmanian devils, badgers, and wolverines are all called "devils" though Tasmanian devils are often called Thydevils for Thy Isle
* Similarly, otters are called "sea devils."
* Beavers are called "water devils," "dam devils," or "wood devils."
* Skunks are sometimes known as "stinkdevils."
* Skunkboars, which are a made up animal within Calthoss' Creation are sometimes called "stinkbears," "stinkboars," "devil bears," "devil boars," or "hellhogs," the last two terms should not be confused with the names of another in-universe animal the hellhog.
* The word "Hell" comes from the word "Hall," as in Mattes' Great-Hall. Dannation replaces "damnation," after Nonagonic Danael, who himself is named after Dante Alighieri.
* Jaguars are most often called "grams" (the New Haruirrin Gramweight is named after them, and in a nod the the real-life Guarani currency uses ₲ as its symbol Guarani being the language the word "jaguar" originates from), but are also called "great ounces," just "jaguars," and also "leopards." Ice leopards are called either just that, "ice grams," or, at least most of the time, "ounces." Black jaguars are called "blacatamounts." Harlenn is called "the Jaguar Kingdom," and the River Har called "the Spotted Cat's Ford."
* Catamounts is both a general term for all big cats, and cat-like creatures, but is also the name of the panthers/cougars living around the Teeth Mountains.
* There are Samraye Warriors instead of samurai.
* Master instead of "prime minister" or "president." Mistress is the feminine form.
* Nurses are called "sicksisters," or "sickbrothers" or "sicksiblings" in more gender-neutral Huron Space and ambulances are called "sickwagons." Some spaceships are called "sickships" or "starwagons."
* Wormholes are called "wyrmholes."
* Lemurs, native to Henkenne Isle, and the Calm Isles, are called "ghost monkeys."
* Japanese Macaques are called "Kneypish monkeys."
* Cheetahs are called onyxes
* Telescopes are called spyglasses