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| - Image:EldersLogo.png
- The Elders appear in the next game but they are so crap because we know nothing about them they might be the Technomites or the Zoni or Lombax for all we blargipedians know for god's sake Insomniac Games TELL US WHAT THE HELL THEY ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Mysterious coven of vampires which is also the oldest and most powerful, having dominion over all others around the world, with the exception of those in the Fury, the one coven opposed to them. During a secret war between the two rival factions ignited by a Great Eclipse for domination over the undead, the Elders in desperation have sent five young vampires to Mansbridge Academy, entrusting them to the care of Dr. Reginald Murdoch as part of the Mansbridge Experiment, in which they hope will train these vampires to change and control their natural predatory instinct, enabling them and eventually other vampires to co-exist with humans in safety.
- The Council of Elders also known as the Founders and the Powers That Be and commonly referred to as just the Elders are a powerful group of elder Whitelighters who advise and govern the forces of good. Their purpose is to preserve the "greater good" by directing their Whitelighters to guide and protect witches and future Whitelighters. Although they are powerful and have great influence, the Elders are not the highest authority, being outranked by the Angels of Destiny and potentially greater forces.
- The Elders are the rulers of Planet Gorg. They rule the planet with honor and respect. The Elders are known to be masters of Spirituality and the Elements. They train from age 8 to 18. Depanding on how the person is, they must master alot of reqiurments: Look below. Elders are also bond to their students. And those who become Elder must fight for the planet and not betray the people.
* Must master the sword.
* Must all four original elements and master Spirtbending.
* Must master Spirituality
* Must master Fighting Skills.
* Must form bondings.
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| - Protecting the Greater Good and managing their Whitelighters
| - * Orbing
* Remote Orbing
* Electrokinesis
* Force Fields
* Telekinetic Orbing
* Invisibility
* Dream Leaping
* Power Granting
* Power Stripping
* Photokinesis
* Thermokinesis
* Healing
* Sensing
* Portal Creation
* Precognition
First Appearance
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| - * Regeneration
* Reconstitution
* Immortality
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| - * Spell Casting
* Potion Making
* Scrying
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Last Appearance
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| - *The Grand Design
*Angels of Destiny
| - The Council of Elders also known as the Founders and the Powers That Be and commonly referred to as just the Elders are a powerful group of elder Whitelighters who advise and govern the forces of good. Their purpose is to preserve the "greater good" by directing their Whitelighters to guide and protect witches and future Whitelighters. The Elders reside in the Heavens and communicate with witches through their assigned Whitelighters, giving them messages and warning them of impending threats. As prominent figures on the side of good, the Elders also intervene when they deem it necessary and discipline others when they break their rules. Although they are powerful and have great influence, the Elders are not the highest authority, being outranked by the Angels of Destiny and potentially greater forces.
- Image:EldersLogo.png
- The Elders are the rulers of Planet Gorg. They rule the planet with honor and respect. The Elders are known to be masters of Spirituality and the Elements. They train from age 8 to 18. Depanding on how the person is, they must master alot of reqiurments: Look below. Elders are also bond to their students. And those who become Elder must fight for the planet and not betray the people.
* Must master the sword.
* Must all four original elements and master Spirtbending.
* Must master Spirituality
* Must master Fighting Skills.
* Must form bondings. Thats all and if one is not known fit for being an Elder, than they are deemed Untrainable and should not ever come back to the Elder Temple. There is a Head Elder and in the story line's case it's Pourang. Being hes over 130 years old. The head elder is the master of everything and is known to live for about 250 years. During the Great Wars, Elders had disappeared. Some suggests that they killed captured and killed, others suggest that they committed Suicide. But the current Elders and the ciotizens suggest that they did indeed kill themselves. But what ever it was they entered war and never came out alive.
- The Elders appear in the next game but they are so crap because we know nothing about them they might be the Technomites or the Zoni or Lombax for all we blargipedians know for god's sake Insomniac Games TELL US WHAT THE HELL THEY ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Mysterious coven of vampires which is also the oldest and most powerful, having dominion over all others around the world, with the exception of those in the Fury, the one coven opposed to them. During a secret war between the two rival factions ignited by a Great Eclipse for domination over the undead, the Elders in desperation have sent five young vampires to Mansbridge Academy, entrusting them to the care of Dr. Reginald Murdoch as part of the Mansbridge Experiment, in which they hope will train these vampires to change and control their natural predatory instinct, enabling them and eventually other vampires to co-exist with humans in safety.
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