Style: Remembers every team members name. Fact: Has dreams of playing a robot on Star Trek. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
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| - Style: Remembers every team members name. Fact: Has dreams of playing a robot on Star Trek. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Robotica was (according to the Filmation cartoon) the homeplanet of Roboto. As an explorer Roboto crashed with his ship on Eternia and was rescued and repaired by Man-At-Arms and He-Man. Roboto explained that he had lived on his homeplanet with male and female robots. He was unfamiliar with organic lifeforms until he encountered the heroes on Eternia.
- Robotica was a short-lived techno-competition series in which robots negotiated through a maze. The series also included behind-the-scenes segments on their builders as they strategized and designed their machines.
- La robotica es ramo de tecnolojia cual trata la desinia, construi, opera e aplica de robotes.
- Robotica is a middleweight competitor robot in the games Robot Wars: Arenas of Destruction and Robot Wars: Extreme Destruction, undertaking similar guises in both appearances.
- La robotica è lo studio dei robot. Tale materia fece parte del corso di studi dei cadetti dell'Accademia della Flotta Stellare almeno fino alla fine degli anni 2360. B'Elanna Torres imparò la robotica mentre si trovava all'Accademia. In seguito, avrebbe trovato tali insegnamenti superati se confrontati all'esperienza di riparare i sistemi di 3947. (VOY: "Prototipo")
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| - Battery Xpress
- Kestral K34 "Goliath"
| - Extreme Destruction
- Arenas of Destruction
| - Robotica in Arenas of Destruction
- Robotica in Extreme Destruction
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| - Pick Axe & Carbon Disc
- Pneumatic Pick Axe & Carbon Steel Cutting Disc
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| - Low Wedge
- Low Classic Wedge
| - La robotica è lo studio dei robot. Tale materia fece parte del corso di studi dei cadetti dell'Accademia della Flotta Stellare almeno fino alla fine degli anni 2360. B'Elanna Torres imparò la robotica mentre si trovava all'Accademia. In seguito, avrebbe trovato tali insegnamenti superati se confrontati all'esperienza di riparare i sistemi di 3947. (VOY: "Prototipo") Questo articolo o sezione è incompleto Questa pagina è stata identificata carente di dettagli essenziali, e come tale richiede attenzione. Informazioni relative ai requisiti per ampliarla, possono essere trovati sulla relativa pagina Discussione. Sentiti libero di [ modificarla] per contribuire alla sistemazione. Robotica
- Style: Remembers every team members name. Fact: Has dreams of playing a robot on Star Trek. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Robotica was (according to the Filmation cartoon) the homeplanet of Roboto. As an explorer Roboto crashed with his ship on Eternia and was rescued and repaired by Man-At-Arms and He-Man. Roboto explained that he had lived on his homeplanet with male and female robots. He was unfamiliar with organic lifeforms until he encountered the heroes on Eternia.
- Robotica was a short-lived techno-competition series in which robots negotiated through a maze. The series also included behind-the-scenes segments on their builders as they strategized and designed their machines.
- La robotica es ramo de tecnolojia cual trata la desinia, construi, opera e aplica de robotes.
- Robotica is a middleweight competitor robot in the games Robot Wars: Arenas of Destruction and Robot Wars: Extreme Destruction, undertaking similar guises in both appearances.