| - Lady Rhianwen, an outlaw Rhianwen is the oldest girl of the group rescued by Gruffydd. She remembers the tragedy which took her parents when she was seven well and mourned them. However, she is practical and has got on with her life as it is now, taking on the role of mother for the orphans as best she can. She is very much aware that Gruffydd did not have to take them on and could have just left them in the wilds, or dumped them in some unsavoury place. She is also the one who sees through his bluff exterior best. Ever since the tragedy she has trouble sleeping at night, and though the dreams slowly begin to fade, her body clock now very much makes her a 'night person'. While not the most criminally minded of the outlaws by any means, she does her part best in setting marks up and lieing
| - Lady Rhianwen, an outlaw Rhianwen is the oldest girl of the group rescued by Gruffydd. She remembers the tragedy which took her parents when she was seven well and mourned them. However, she is practical and has got on with her life as it is now, taking on the role of mother for the orphans as best she can. She is very much aware that Gruffydd did not have to take them on and could have just left them in the wilds, or dumped them in some unsavoury place. She is also the one who sees through his bluff exterior best. Ever since the tragedy she has trouble sleeping at night, and though the dreams slowly begin to fade, her body clock now very much makes her a 'night person'. While not the most criminally minded of the outlaws by any means, she does her part best in setting marks up and lieing to provide a distraction or cover up for the others. Rhianwen is a small thing and probably wont grow to be a large woman. She is shorter than all but the youngest and smallest of the the children, but that does not stop her from bossing them about or lets her take any cheek from them. While the children follow Gruffydd when they are about their work, it is Rhianwen that the listen to without a doubt the rest of the time. She has dark hair and flashing eyes, and a pleasant voice.
* Int: -1 Naive
* Per: 0
* Str: -2 Fragile
* Sta: -2 Delicate
* Pre: 0
* Com: -1 Inarticulate
* Dex: -3 Butterfingers
* Qui: -2 Sleepy Year Born 1211 Size: 0 Confidence 1(3)
* Loyal +2
* Brave +1
* Bossy +2
* Peasant (Free, Social)
* Piercing Gaze (Minor, General)
* Nocturnal (Minor, Personality)
* Awareness 2(15) Alertness
* Bow 1(10) Short Bow
* Brawl 1(6) Dodging
* Charm 1(15) Being Witty
* Craft: Cook 1(13) Camp food
* English 1(5) Shropshire
* Folk Ken 3(+30) Children
* Guile 1(5) Elaborate lies
* Intrigue 1(5) Rumormongering
* Leadership 3(30) Intimidation
* Wales Lore 1(5) History
* Welsh 5(75) Storytelling