| - Profession: Beer Distributor Philanthropist and booster for the Dillon Panthers. McCoy is very rich, and he is a very obsessive football dad. His son J.D. Mccoy is a young prodigy, and he does everything he can to make him a superstar. But is very overprotective of J.D. This Affects J.D. because he soon thinks that his parents are the owners of Dillon West causing Coach Taylor To fall out with the McCoys Joe becomes the head booster by season 4, much to the chargin of Buddy Garrity, who leaves the Dillon Panthers booster club due to Joe's actions. Joe's influence also prompts J.D.'s personal trainer, Wade Aikman to become Head Coach of the Panthers. Joe and his wife, Katie, eventually get divorced. Due to Joe's reign over the Panthers, J.D. becomes more arrogant, and bullying of others. The Panthers lose to the cross-town East Dillon Lions 25-24 (coached by Eric Taylor), failing to make the playoffs. After this, Joe, J.D., and Wade leave town, making it unclear whether they left on their own accord, or was eventually fired by the booster club and ostracized by the community.