| - In 1920, his prospective son-in-law, Sebastian Marten, and his accountant, Paul Steiffers, were mysteriously killed at his house. Dr Merrivale Carr was sent to investigate. Dr Carr gathered everyone in the house to the library. Dr Carr believed the murderer was Kitty Kickshaw, who had taken the identity of society hostess Glenda Neil. Immediately after, the Ninth Doctor and Rose arrived, explaining the deaths were a result of "invisible aliens".
| - In 1920, his prospective son-in-law, Sebastian Marten, and his accountant, Paul Steiffers, were mysteriously killed at his house. Dr Merrivale Carr was sent to investigate. Dr Carr gathered everyone in the house to the library. Dr Carr believed the murderer was Kitty Kickshaw, who had taken the identity of society hostess Glenda Neil. Immediately after, the Ninth Doctor and Rose arrived, explaining the deaths were a result of "invisible aliens". A haze appeared, accompanied by a buzzing sound. Bart Faversham had started being lifted up and was tossed into the fire. The Doctor and Rose figured out that it was the drive of the invisible aliens' spaceship that was inadvertently causing this. The Doctor signalled the ship with the standard galactic code of the 455th century to repair the ship. After the haze subsided, Lord Farthingale called the police, trying to work out how he was going to report Bart Faversham's death. (PROSE: Doctor vs Doctor)