| - Gavinrad the Dire was one of the first five paladins of the Knights of the Silver Hand. Gavinrad was originally one of the knights who accompanied Anduin Lothar in the exodus from Azeroth during the First War. He was considered one of the most pious of Lothar's troops and earned the name Dire for endangering his life countless times to save others. Lothar recommended to Archbishop Alonsus Faol that Gavinrad join Uther, Turalyon, Tirion Fordring and Saidan Dathrohan as the first members of the Silver Hand, and the Archbishop agreed. (ToD 86, 87) After Kel'Thuzad's death, and the strange happenings in the area, Uther thought it wise to ensure that the necromancer never walked again. To that end, he stationed Gavinrad and his Champions of Peace to guard the cemetery near Andorhal, where Kel'Thuzad was buried. The Scourge required the remains of the former necromancer and so Gavinrad ended up face to face with Arthas, the treacherous son of King Terenas, and the prince advised the paladin to step aside. When Gavinrad refused, Arthas unleashed his undead forces upon him, and he and his soldiers were slain
- Gavinrad el Terrible fue uno de los paladines pertenecientes a los Caballeros de la Mano de Plata. Gavinrad fue originalmente uno de los caballeros que acompañaron a Anduin Lothar en el éxodo desde Azeroth durante la Primera Guerra. Era considerado uno de los más piadosos de las tropas de Lothar. Después de la muerte de Kel'thuzad, y los extraños sucesos en la zona, a Uther le pareció prudente que el nigromante no caminará de nuevo entre los vivos, ssí que, mandó a Gavinrad y a sus Héroes de la Paz cuidar el cementerio cerca a Andorhal, donde Kel'thuzad estaba enterrado. El Azote reclamó los restos del antiguo nigromante, por lo que Gavinrad tuvo que hacerle frente a Arthas Menethil, el hijo traidor del Rey Terenas. Arthas se vio obligado a mandar a su ejército contra Gavinrad, asesinándo a él y sus tropas.