Mecha-King Ghidorah is a mechanically modified Ghidorah created by Toho that first appeared in the 1991 Godzilla film, Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah.
Mecha-King Ghidorah is a mechanically modified version of King Ghidorah who a mechanical head, torso, wings, and a few other areas. He appears in the 1991 film, Godzilla Vs. King Ghidorah. He serves as the titular main antagonist in his original form and when he becomes Mecha-King Ghidorah, he serves as a protagonist to battle the new titular main antagonist.
Mecha-King Ghidorah (メカキングギドラMeka Kingu Gidora?) is a mechanically modified created by Toho that first appeared in the 1991 Godzilla , Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah. __TOC__
thumb|Mecha-King Ghidorah als Modell Mecha-King Ghidorah ist ein riesiger Cyborg, der aus dem Körper King Ghidorah erbaut wurde.