| - Here's a quick spin on an old story. Flip one or more male roles to the women and female roles to the men. If you are in a hurry, you only need to change a few honorifics, pronouns, and maybe a first name or two. And the casting. If you are able to give it a little more thought, though, you can take this opportunity to explore how there might be a difference in the way things play out with the genders reversed. It's a very old technique of retelling a story. Many folk Fairy Tales occasionally have Gender Flip variants; they are invariably played absolutely straight. Sometimes the remake or "reimagining" of a work may involve Gender Flips, perhaps due to societal changes on the Sliding Scale of Gender Inequality that, for example, would allow a formerly-male Number Two to be an Action Girl instead. Occasionally, the Gender Flip occurs with a work that's already in development, or even in production (due to, for example, an actor's sudden unavailability or simply a last-minute casting idea.) The results can be particularly interesting in these cases, as the written role may be almost completely unchanged from its original opposite-gender version. Fan Fics that Gender Flip are fairly common (often referred to as 'Genderfuck' or 'GF' stories.) Rule 63 is closely related, but subtly different. A good general rule of thumb is that a Rule 63 character looks like exactly the same character, as if subjected to Gender Bender. Gender Flip characters will often differ from their originals in a great many ways other than the character's sex. Supertrope of She's a Man In Japan, which is what happens when localization results in a character Gender Flip. Distinguished from Crosscast Role, in which the actor is the opposite sex of the character. For example, a production of Hamlet that (as in Shakespeare's own day) had Ophelia played by a boy would be a Crosscast Role, but a production with a male actor playing a male character named "Ophelius" and referred to in the text with male pronouns would be a Gender Flip. Not to be confused with Gender Bender (though outside TV Tropes, the terms are sometimes used interchangeably.) If a story involves a character changing sex In-Universe, that's a Gender Bender. If a creator decides the character works better as the opposite sex, that's this trope. Also not to be confused with Gender Inverted Trope, when not a particular character, but a whole trope is flipped from its usually expected gender. When a song gets this treatment in a Cover Version, that's The Cover Changes the Gender. Also note that this trope is not about "gender roles" in the generic sense. Those are covered (for examples involving couples, anyway) by Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy. See also Spear Counterpart and Distaff Counterpart. You may also find this this character wearing a Gendered Outfit in comparison to their original counterpart. Examples of Gender Flip include: