| - Camille Desmond, portrayed by Josie Davis, was a recurring character seen on Beverly Hills, 90210, the first series of the Beverly Hills, 90210 continuity, appearing in the 10th season. Camille was a fashion magazine columnist who was a fan of Donna Martin and wanted to write an article on her for her magazine. While visiting Donna at the Beach House, she met David Silver and the two hit it off and began dating.
| - Camille Desmond, portrayed by Josie Davis, was a recurring character seen on Beverly Hills, 90210, the first series of the Beverly Hills, 90210 continuity, appearing in the 10th season. Camille was a fashion magazine columnist who was a fan of Donna Martin and wanted to write an article on her for her magazine. While visiting Donna at the Beach House, she met David Silver and the two hit it off and began dating. At some point, Camille came to own part of Now Wear This and shared with Donna in the day-to-day operations. However, Camille was a little uncomfortable with the closeness between David and Donna. After David accepted a job in New York, Camille was sad that David would be leaving, but Donna realized she was still in love with David. Camille had an idea to take Donna Martin Originals nationwide with the use of the internet. Camille pulled Dylan McKay in as an investor in the proposed internet expansion, which Donna was hesitant to do. This created tension between David and Camille since Donna had asked to drop the idea and she didn't listen. Donna had a change of heart, however, and decided to accept Dylan's offer. However, Camille's train of thought alienated David when he began getting jealous of Dylan's working relationship with Camille. After the website launched, David informed Camille that they didn't belong together and broke up with her. She then took a short vacation. After she returned, she was surprised to find out that David and Donna were a couple. She was left devastated and tearful by the breakup. While Donna was sympathetic and honestly had not intended to hurt Camille, she also tells Camille that she can't really give her honest emotional support because she loves David and is committed to him. Camille recognizes this, and sadly says she's going to sell her share of the business and leave their lives forever.