Attributes | Values |
| - Apolis Tartarus (Earth-69112)
| - Apolis has the average strength of an Inhuman male his age, height, and weight.
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| - *Apolis has stated he much would prefer to be an actor or scientist rather than follow in his parents' footsteps of being in the political arena.
*Apolis' name comes on a twist of "Apollo" in Greek Mythology and his last name is the same as that of the underworld prison for the Titans, Tartarus.
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| - Eyes tend to glow when using powers
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| - ===Early Life===
Coming Soon
Approaching Changes
Coming Soon
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| - Unknown parents, Astra Tartarus
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| - Inhuman empowered by Terrigenesis
| - Defenders, Attilian Tribe
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| - Taught by Attilian Scholars
| - Sometimes his own power, Attilian vehicles
| - *Adept Hand-to-hand Combatant:Like most in Attilan, Apolis has been trained to some extent in fighting, both in armed and unarmed combat well enough to hold his own for long periods of time.
*Rookie Scientist:In recent years, Apolis has become interested in learning different aspects of science. But, he has become interested in the fundamental forces and energy, which proves to be somewhat ironic when he actually controls one of them.
*Mathematician:Surprisingly, despite his aloof and carefree nature Apolis is actually quite skilled in mathematics. In particular, he has grown to study more towards angles and formulas to further the use of his abilities.
*Decent Actor:Through practice and classes, Apolis has grown to be a decent actor in being able to portray various roles and moods when necessary. Although, this isn't entirely perfected.
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| - *Apolis can only control the plasma his body generates instead of already existing ones.
*To be able to reflect his plasma attacks, Apolis must be able to calculate the angles in his mind rather than subconsciously knowing it.
*Apolis does tend to be over-confident and narcissistic, thinking himself above others which tends to get him into trouble or leave him without much help from allies.
| - *Plasma Manipulation: Apolis can control the state of matter consisting of fully ionized gases of low density containing an approximate equal number of positive ions and electrons. They are unbound but not "free" in the same sense as say a gas, allowing an electrical current to be visible along with a magnetic field and are affected by those fields. When using his powers, Apolis tends to project an orange aura around himself while his eyes glow orange.
**Plasma Vision Beam: Apolis can fire concentrated beams directly from his eyes that can vary in strength and potency. These beams can be something to hardly causing much of a small burn to blowing clear through part of a building with ease. Though with careful aim these shots can be reflected off certain surfaces from certain angles to allow for usually complicated shots.
**Plasma Bolts:Another concentrated form of his power, this time more into various kind of spheres. Being able to be concentrated from various parts of the body or around himself, Apolis can create concentrated plasmic energy spheres that can be fired like projectiles and vary in strength and potency like his eye beams.
**Plasma Bombs:In a similar manner to his plasma bolts, Apolis creates concentrated spheres of plasma energy. But these spheres end up no bigger then size of a fist and tend to have a certain time set for detonation. Working in a similar manner as mines Apolis leaves these "bombs" behind either on the ground or they can stick to other kinds of surfaces before going off. The amount of energy concentrated into these spheres will result in varying amounts of detonation, and have so far been known to leave a sizable crater.
**Plasmakinetic Combat:With focusing plasma energy around himself entirely, Apolis can enhance his physical prowess for a limited time with allowing himself some invulnerability and increasing damage with his physical blows.
**Plasma Armor:Projecting plasma energy around his body, Apolis creates a kind of defensive barrier that can be shaped to his will, along with making the armor thicker or denser. This allows him to withstand great amounts of force, deadly impacts, and energy attacks. Like anything though, this armor has a limit and can eventually be taken out.
**Flight:Apolis is also capable of achieving flight by flying on his own power, directing his plasma aura downwards to do so.
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| - Warrior; Scientist-in-training
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| - Can you withstand one of the four fundamental forces of the universe?