Peashooter is the very first plant you obtain in Plants vs. Zombies, as you unlock it in 1-1. It is your basic line of defense as it shoots peas at zombies doing normal damage. It takes 10 peas to kill a normal zombie.
Peashooter is the very first plant you obtain in Plants vs. Zombies, as you unlock it in 1-1. It is your basic line of defense as it shoots peas at zombies doing normal damage. It takes 10 peas to kill a normal zombie.
Peashooter is the first and primary attacking plant received in every game in the Plants vs. Zombies series. It is a that shoots one pea every 1.5 seconds, dealing one normal damage shot per pea.
A gun only available via a mod on the Xbox 360 version of the Borderlands game. It resembles a sniper without a scope, body, grip, or stock. It has infinite ammo plus a "bottomless clip". It fires a large and seemingly long burst of fire which will end after about 15 seconds or if the player initiates a melee attack. When shot at an enemy (or in a friendly duel) the player goes across the map and possibly out of the map.
Peashooter là một loại cây tấn công đầu tiên và loại cơ bản nhất trong chương trình trò chơi Plants vs. Zombies với giá 100 mặt trời. Nó là một loại cây bắn đậu, với tốc độ bắn là 1.5 giây mỗi 1 hạt đậu. Mỗi hạt gây 1 sát thương bình thường.
The Peashooter is a Plants vs Zombies-themed tower. It costs $170 and pops 1/4 of a layer per shot (4 layers per shot to things that take more than 1 hit to pop). It fires at the same rate as a 0-0 Dart Monkey, but with 5% more range.