| - The Nawekameke are evil creatures and the main villains of Fresh Pretty Cure!. The Nakewameke possesses powers to cause chaos and misery. These creatures play the role of the monsters-of-the-day, similar to the Zakenna, Uzaina, Kowaina and Hoshina in the preceding series. Their name can mean "cry and shout". Unlike most magical girl anime, most of the choice of monsters in this season are robots.They are the first monsters who are created to primaly attack civilians rather than fighting the Pretty Cures, followed by Desertrians, Negatones and Jikochuus. Each of the diamond shape colour depend who summoned it Eas (Dark red), Westar (Yellow) and Soular (Dark green).
- Eas is given Nakisakebe (ナキサケーベ Nakisakēbe?) after a while, but the rest still used Nakewameke until being passed Sorewatase (ソレワターセ Sorewatāse?), and even then still used Nakewameke once in a while. After Westar and Soular have joined the Cures' side, they are able to summon a new type of monsters, the Hohoemina. Those are the only non-villainous monsters in the Pretty Cure franchise. For unknown reasons, while it is traditional for the battleground to return to its ordinary state when the monster of the day is defeated, Fresh Pretty Cure! does not follow this tradition often.
| - Eas is given Nakisakebe (ナキサケーベ Nakisakēbe?) after a while, but the rest still used Nakewameke until being passed Sorewatase (ソレワターセ Sorewatāse?), and even then still used Nakewameke once in a while. After Westar and Soular have joined the Cures' side, they are able to summon a new type of monsters, the Hohoemina. Those are the only non-villainous monsters in the Pretty Cure franchise. For unknown reasons, while it is traditional for the battleground to return to its ordinary state when the monster of the day is defeated, Fresh Pretty Cure! does not follow this tradition often. It is worth noting that Nakewameke, Nakisakebe, Sorewatase, and Hohoemina are voiced by the same seiyuu, Nakano Shintarou.
- The Nawekameke are evil creatures and the main villains of Fresh Pretty Cure!. The Nakewameke possesses powers to cause chaos and misery. These creatures play the role of the monsters-of-the-day, similar to the Zakenna, Uzaina, Kowaina and Hoshina in the preceding series. Their name can mean "cry and shout". Unlike most magical girl anime, most of the choice of monsters in this season are robots.They are the first monsters who are created to primaly attack civilians rather than fighting the Pretty Cures, followed by Desertrians, Negatones and Jikochuus. Each of the diamond shape colour depend who summoned it Eas (Dark red), Westar (Yellow) and Soular (Dark green). Eas is given Nakisakebe after a while, but the rest still used Nakewameke until being passed Sorewatase, and even then still used Nakewameke once in a while. For reasons unknown, while it is traditional for the battleground to return to its ordinary state when the monster-of-the-day is defeated, Fresh Pretty Cure! does not follow this tradition often. For unknown reasons, while it is traditional for the battleground to return to its ordinary state when the monster of the day is defeated, Fresh Pretty Cure! does not follow this tradition often. It is worth noting that Nakewameke, Nakisakebe, Sorewatase, and Hohoemina are voiced by the same seiyuu, Nakano Shintarou.